Chappie seven

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Authors Note: Hey Guys Its Been About A Week Since I Last Wrote And Sorry If I Left Anyone Wanting More but no worries imma try to make this longer[:. I Stll Need Another Girl For This Story Soo If You Want It Please Leave Your Info Including How You Look. Also By Info I Dont Mean # Or Anything Personal. Anyways Im Having A Great Time Writing This And I Hope You Guys Are Enjoying IT Sooo Im Done Talking And Enjoy the Chapter. And First To Comment Gets A Dedication.[:

Liams Pov:

"LIAMMMM!" said an angry voice that sounded playful. i opened my eyes and felt weird that i couldnt move but than i looked down and there was harry sleeping peacfully beside me and i couldnt help but smile but it was gone soon.

"liam what do you think your doing sleeoing with my hazza" louis asked.

i looked at him and saw a playful smile playing on his lips. "sorry lou, guess we fell asleep while watching a movie." i said.

"but why are you and haz snuggling?" he asked smirking.

i was confused but i studied louis for a second and saw that he had no clue about my crush on harry.

"actully i have no idea but he may still be upset because of his break up" i said. i heard a groan below me and looked down and harry pulled me closer and stuck his head in my neck mumbling about everyone being loud in the morning. i chuckled and looked at louis. he laughed and shoock his head.

"well good luck mate, seems like haz isnt going to let you move for a while soo th others and i are gonna go get something to eat since your unavailable " he said but i didnt hear anything but the part of harry not letting me go for a while and i couldnt help but feel happy with that. louis left seconds later with the others and i was left alone with harry in my arms. i pulled him closer and watched him for a while longer than i needed to. i smiled and soon enough my eyes started to close and i drifted back to sleep.

Harry's POV:

i felt someone pulling me closer and i knew who it was as soon as the tingles ran all over my body where he touched. i smiled and my eyes fluttered open.

i looked at liam and i studied his beautiful features on his face and i got lost and i couldnt bear to tear my eyes away.

"its not nice to stare " a husky voice said making me blush. i looked away from his face and i heard him chuckle.

"i didnt say i didnt like it " i heard him murmer.

what the fuck?!?!?! is he flirting with me?

he couldnt be. he has a girlfriend and if anything he would flirt with all the other lads before me.

my head must be messing with me.

"who said i was staring at you" i asked jokingly.

"your right you couldnt handle it" he joked back.

we were still cuddling and i had no intention of moving any time soon but soon enough liam was getting up.

"you want anything to eat ?" he asked while walking towards the kitchen.

"uhh sure, but were are the others?" i asked confused about why the others werent messing with us for falling asleep together.

"they went out to eat because you didnt wanna get up" he said and than i remember earlier today.

i didnt reply but took a seat at the table while liam prepared to cook. i couldnt help but think maybe this is it, maybe i should just tell him that i like him more than just in a friendly way. i looked up and i got hit with a punch full of lust. liam was reaching for two cups and all his muscles were flexing and doing things that were messing with my mind.

Could It Be You ? Sequel to: Letters To My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now