chappiee seventeen

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Authors note: i kinda think im gonna finish this sooo for now the chapters will come slow unless you guys vote comment or fannnn ! lol i think i might change this up too because ive been getting ideas about it and its still a lirry story but i think i might switch it up and change things . soo the ending is going to be unexpecting because even im not sure of it soo ill shut up and eh enjoy the chapter babes.

Third person POV:

waking up in liams bed was different for harry, it was everything he wanted but for some reason something seemed off for him. like he didnt feel what he always imagined he would but he shrugged it off and looked at the sleeping beauty before him .

slowly harry lefted his hand and traced liams face from his eyebrows to his lips and just as he finished liams eyes fluttered open with confused eyes as to why harry was in his bed and harry noticed getting up but before he could liam pulled him back down.

"stay" liam breathed out snuggling closer to the younger lad.

harry wanted to stay but he knew he shouldnt, so he pulled out of liams arms and left the room missing the sad look on liams face.


in the kitchen niall sat half awake talking in a hushed voice to no other than his lovely girlfriend bella.

"we have to do something about this though, i cant take harry and liams long full looks at each other that neither of them notice" bella spoke.

"babe, i know you care but its their bussines and i feel the same way but i just dont think we should get involved" niall informed bella

bella pondered nialls words as she got things out to fix breakfast and shook her head.

"but they will never tell each other" she argued starting the fry up.

"who wont tell each other what ?" asked a voice startling the couple as harry appeared in the kitchen .

quickly thinking bella said. "my friend victoria, she wont tell this guy that she likes him" as harry nodded taking a seat next to niall as he waited for bella to finish the fry up.

bella soon finshed and put a plat infront of both niall and harry grabbing her own just as a shirtless zayn walked in the room .

"morning lads and bella" he said as he grabbed himself a plat sitting next to a staring harry who has failed to realize that he was confusing niall and bella who both shared a look that said that that will be questioned later on .

"mhmm" zayn moaned after the first bite and looked at bella.

"this is soo good" he moaned again causing harrys heart beat to speed up at the sound of his sexy moans.

"thanks zaynie" she said smiling at the lad.

zayn looked at harry just as harry gained control of himself and started eating his food pushing back the weird feeling he just got for zayn.

zayn took in the younger boy confused as to why his heart started beating uncontrolably .

"so what are you guys plans" bella asked making zayn focuse on her

"we have the day off so its a relaxing day i guess" zayn answered.

"ohh well niall wanna do something ?" she asked as she finished her breakfast putting the dish away as liam walked in just in his boxers.

"thanks li, thats what i wanted to see right after eating" bella joked.

"you love it" liam joked back but than noticed nialls glare

Could It Be You ? Sequel to: Letters To My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now