Chappiee fifteen

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Author note: i know its been a while but im kinda back. that means that i might be taking a break from this story since no one is commenting so i dont know how this is going. this might be my last update until after my birthday which is on apirl 22. this is also not going to be that long but i thank all you wonderful people that continued reading this story and im not saying this is the end of this because i do plan on completeing it .


i will need:

the two lovebirds names

a theme or topic and if you dont have one you can tell me and ill figure it out.

fluffy or not.

and etc.

okay so thats all for now so continue and read the story.......

Harry's POV:

"hazza wake up" i heard a voice say.

i slowly unwillingly pry open my eyes and am meet with blue eyes staring at me that belong to the one and only louis.

"what do you want lou" i ask stretching and sitting up noticing i was fast asleep on the floor.

"i thought you would rather me wake you up before your on the floor for to long and get a bad back" louis said.

"well thanks boobear" i said standing up.

"anything for you hazza" he said slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"so wheres everyone?" i asked throwing my arm over his shoulder.

"out i guess, i just got up." he said.

"oh"i said as i looked around.

"haz can i ask you something" louis asked sounding serious and for some reason i felt like i was just cought red handed but i didnt even do anything bad so i ignored it and nodded.

louis dragged me to his room and we sat down on his bed.

"so what do you want to ask" i asked trying to get to the point.

"dont get mad but i have noticed something and at first i didnt really pay much mind but yesterday kinda made me wonder" he said trailing of but got me thinking about yesterday but i couldnt remember what he was trying to get at.

"uh you want to continue that because that wasnt a question but more of a vague sentence" i said as i looked at ,

"do you like liam?" he asked causing me to choke on air.

 i didnt answer but sit there not saying anything but thinking about whether or not to be honest with him because i could use a friend.

i finally came to a desicion.

"yes" i whispered to him.

"what the hell harry" he said making me think that he didnt approve.

"im sorry i know its wrong and nothing is going to happen between us so you dont have to be grossed out by me." i said struggling to get the words out.

"oh hazza thats not what i ment, i mean how could you not tell me" he said pouting causing me to smile and feel better about what just happened.

"i know im sorry i just didnt want to cause problems" i said

"your never a problem i just wish you would have told me so you wouldnt have to deal with it alone i mean im your best mate so im suppost to be there for you" louis said .

"sorry i guess i wasnt thinking" i mumbled.

"its fine just next time tell me because ill always be there for you no matter what" he said.

"well than i should tell you that me and paul broke up yesterday due to the fact that i realize he wasnt right for me." i said

"what do you mean" louis questioned with a confued face.

"well he was not a good boyfriend and thats all to it" i said trying to end the conversation.

"okay but what about liam?" he asked.

"not going to happen" i muttered.

"but i see the way you to are around each other, there has to be something there. espically after yesterday" louis argued.

"what do you mean/" i asked.

"well you guys kinda snogged last night longer than you were suppost to" he said.

what we kissed or snogged ?

this cant be real .

there must have been a reason for it since it lasted for a long time.


i have to at least try one more time and if its a no than im going to have to live without a heart even though the doctor said i wouldnt survive without it.


i know sucky ending but i need you guys to let me know you guys are still reading this. anyways thank you.

Could It Be You ? Sequel to: Letters To My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now