Think About You

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Think About You - Kygo, Valerie Broussard


As soon as those words leave Clarke's mouth all the emotions flashing through Bellamy's eyes leave, leaving only one remaining, anger. He snatches his phone of the ground and looks at Clarke one more time before looking away and tensing his jaw, trying to control his anger, before looking back at Clarke.

"Where's O?" he asks in a bitter tone. Clarke tries to speak but she doesn't make a sound. She raises her shaking hand to point to her house. Bellamy just scoffs and walks past her to go to his sister. Bellamy walks in, Clarke not far behind him, he looks around the house and spots Octavia sprawled out along the couch.

He shakes his head and walks over to her, "O... O wake up." No response. Bellamy pokes Octavia's side and shakes Octavia's shoulder again, "O wake up." Still no response. Bellamy looks over to the coffee table and spots a glass of water, without hesitation, he grabs it and pours it over Octavia's face. She shoots awake looking around to see Bellamy laughing under his breath and Clarke biting her lip nervously. Octavia leans over and punches Bellamy before getting up and wiping herself off with the dry sleeve of her shirt.

"What was that for!?" Octavia asks.

Bellamy shrugs nonchalantly, "You weren't waking up."

"So you pour water on me!?" She yells.

"Exactly. Now come on let's go." He says and gestures to the door.

"Why do we have to goooo," Octavia whines like a two year old, "I don't wanna goooo. Clarke's back and I wanna spend time with herrrrrr." She finishes and pouts her lip for extra emphasis.

Bellamy just rolls his eyes, "We have to go because YOU have to do stuff for YOUR wedding, but I'm being nice and helping your lazy ass. So let's go."

"But-" Octavia starts but is quickly cut off by Bellamy.

"Now." He says, his tone firm. Octavia nods and makes her way toward the door without another word, before leaving she stops to give Clarke one last hug. 

"Oh yeah, I'm getting married. You're gonna be one of my bridesmaids. We're all going to a bar tonight. You're coming. No arguing." Octavia says and she winks before she walks out the door, leaving Clarke speechless.

Bellamy lets out an annoyed sigh and turns to face Clarke.

"What are you doing here?" he asks in an annoyed tone, trying to mask his curiosity.

I cut the tree down that we grew

You know the one we carved our names into

Still I can't go back to the places we knew

'Cause they ask me if I still think about you

"I felt it was time to come back." she says as she looks down. Bellamy's eyes flicker to Clarke's figure and notices the familiar jacket she's wearing.

*flashback start*

Clarke walks up to the Blake's house, careful not to slip on the ice. She has to knock on the door three times before someone finally opened it. Clarke quickly stepped inside and is greeted by the warmth of the house.

"Octavia will be down any second." Bellamy said turning to Clarke, he stops for a second and just stared at her.

Clarke let out a small laugh, "What are you staring at Blake."

Bellamy broke out of his trance, looking down then glancing back up at her, "You're shivering," he said.

"Well yeah, cause it's cold outside." she responded.

Bellamy laughed before walking toward the stairs of his house, "Let me go get something," he said. Not long after he appeared with a yellow and black letterman jacket that had the words 'Bellamy Blake' embroidered on the backside in white.

"That's your varsity jacket." Clarke said as Bellamy walked up to her.

He handed her the jacket, "I know, it's also warmer than your jacket."

Clarke took it from him, "Thank you." Clarke put on the jacket, it fit loosely around her small frame, the sleeves coming past her hands and the looseness of it framed her curves perfectly. She laughed at her reflection before turning back to face Bellamy.

"Seriously thank you so much. I know how important this is to you, I'll give it back to you as soon as possible."

"Keep it," Bellamy said, "Looks better on you anyways."

His response surprised Clarke, she felt her cheeks grow warm and a smile spread across her face. Before she could process what she was doing she tip toed and kissed Bellamy on his cheek. When she pulled away her face was even more red and Bellamy felt his growing red my the second. They caught each other's eyes, the electricity flashing between them, strong enough to start a fire.

*flashback end*

"It's been four years and NOW u choose to come back?" he says, shaking his head to get the memory out of it. Clarke looks up to take in his features again, he didn't change much, if anything he got more muscular, his hair slightly longer, but nothing else changed in his appearance.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"What?" he asks.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"YOU'RE sorry?" he says.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Clarke says as she looks up at Bellamy. He doesn't say anything, just looks out the window while tensing his jaw, so she continues. "I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I left everyone. I'm sorry I packed up and left for four years and none of you knew what happened to me," she pauses to take a deep breath in attempts to calm herself as a few tears drop from her eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"You left me! You left everyone! You left us for FOUR YEARS Clarke! Four fucking years! Things have changed! You can't just show up expecting us to forgive you! Octavia might have forgiven you, but it doesn't mean everyone else will! And it doesn't I have to!" He yells.

More tears drip down Clarke's face and her shoulders start to shake. Bellamy moves to wrap his arms around her but stops midway.

"Listen," he says softening his tone so Clarke looks up at him, "Forgiveness doesn't come easily, you of all people should know that. So don't expect me to forgive you so soon, it'll take time." 

'But what if I am broken'  she thinks

Clarke brushes tears off her face and manages to form a sad smile for Bellamy. "I'm sorry."

"For gods sake Clarke, you should be sorry. But damn it, stop saying you're sorry. You sound broken and I don't want to hear it." He said as he makes his way toward the door, "I gotta go."

Before he walks out, he turns his head so to glance at Clarke over his shoulder, "See you tonight?"

"I wouldn't miss it." She says, her voice hoarse. Bellamy nods and walks out, closing the door behind him. Clarke leans her back up against the door and falls to the ground. Pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She buries her face in her arms and cries. She touches the sliver necklace around her neck that has the words 'Madi' engraved on the thin metal slab. "You need to know... but I don't want you to break too."


Any guesses on what happened?? ;)

- B

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