Die A Little

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Die A Little - YUNGBLUD

Bellamy runs through the rain, making his way to his car. His brown curls turning into a wet mop. He swears under his breath while he drives down the street, looking for Clarke.

Clarke makes her way down three blocks before her legs give out and she collapses on the wet pavement. She tries to regulate her breathing but it just comes out as more cries. A glint is seen in the corner of her eye. She makes her way to the rail of the storm drain and sees a broken beer bottle. Without thinking she grabs the beer bottle and leans against the light pole. Clarke unwraps her bandaged hands. She cuts open the previous cuts on her hands before making new ones for everyone she's lost. 

Just when life gets messed up

Just when you can't turn back

"...my mother. my father," she pauses, letting her heart break as she chokes on a sob. Clarke lowers the shard of glass down to her forearm, "...Madi." The shard cuts through her skin and blood pours out. The crimson liquid mixes with the rain as it drips, the pouring rain stinging her arm as it falls. She sits there, in a puddle of blood, tears, and rain. 

Step on paper-thin glass

"Clarke!" A voice breaks her out of her trance and she looks up to see Bellamy with a worried expression plastered on all his features running toward her.

*flashback start*

"Clarke, baby, you gotta wake up." Bellamy says gently, pushing the stray strands of hair out of her face as she lay on his bed.

Clarke just groans and rolls over, "But I don't want to," she whines.

Bellamy rolls his eyes at his girlfriends antics, "Princess, you gotta get up and get ready, or else you're gonna be late for your graduation." 

"I don't care, I just wanna lay in bed all day with you." Clarke has yet to tell Bellamy about the baby, or the fact that she decided on a college, and to leave to her college right after graduation. She tries to muster up the courage to tell him, but every time she does there is always something in the way, she blames it on karma.

"Baby, we'll have forever to lay in bed all day," Bellamy says, sitting on the bed and stroking Clarke's hair.

She turns to face him, "Pleaseee," Clarke says, taking his hand in her own and kissing their intertwined fingers.

He can't hide the smile that spreads across his features when she does this, "Fine, but not for long. Seriously, I don't want you missing your high school graduation."

Clarke gives him the biggest smile and plants another kiss on his hand before turning over so he could spoon her. He places his hand over her lower stomach and Clarke's breath hitches, he smirks and kisses her on the neck before closing his eyes. She chews on her bottom lip, he doesn't know that there is a baby growing inside of her, right underneath where he placed his hand. She finally gathers the courage to tell him, this time nothing is stopping her. 

"Hey Bell?" She starts off, her voice sounding weak.


"There's something I needa tell you..." Clarke trails off, looking down at his hand and starts to play with his fingers, her shirt rides up and she places his hand underneath her shirt, on her stomach.


"Bitches get up and get ready for our graduation! You guys can have sex after!" Octavia says, bursting through the door wearing her blue gown and matching cap, the gold tassel standing out in her dark brown hair.

"Yeah yeah we get it O, now get out." Bellamy says, annoyed. Octavia just rolls her eyes and exits the room, forgetting to close the door behind her, Bellamy turns back to his girlfriend with a loving smile on his face, looking at her like she just hung the moon, "So what did you need to tell me?"

Clarke's courage drains out of her instantly and she tenses in his hold, "That I'm... in love with you."

He lets out a light chuckle, "Well I would hope so, We've been dating for the past two years." Clarke wrinkles her nose in frustration. Bellamy notices and says, "I'm in love with you too," before placing a kiss on her nose and picking her up from the bed, carrying her over to the bathroom so he could set her down in the shower.

*flashback end*

We are the lonely ones


Clarke immediately regrets her actions, and drops the shard covered in a layer of blood. She leans back, letting her head droop, and starts to feel tired.

Bellamy kneels down in front of her, lifting her head so she could see him. Tears rimmed his eyes as she sat there, bleeding out. Bellamy lifts her up bridal style and carries her over the the passengers seat of his car, his wet shirt sticking to him as the rain starts to get heavier.

All you got to do is die a little, die a little

Die a little to survive

Help me take my precious time

All you got to do is cry a little, cry a little

Cry a little to be fine

Help me figure out my mind

Once Clarke is in he runs over to the drivers side and hops in, "I have to take you to the hospital," He murmurs, starting the car and driving toward the direction of the hospital. Weakly, Clarke places a hand on his forearm, "Not the hospital, everyone dies in the hospital." 

"Clarke what do you want me to do! I'm not a doctor! I can't fix you! I can't have you die in my arms!" Bellamy's voice cracks and tears flood his vision at the thought of loosing Clarke. 

We are the lonely ones

"You know how to stitch?"

"Yeah my mom taught me a when I was little," Bellamys says, confused and thrown off by her question.

"Then you can stitch me up, and if you're really good then I might not have any scars." she says, trying to lighten the mood.

We are the lonely ones

Bellamy sighs, running his hand over his face and tangling it into his hair before bringing it back down to the steering wheel, "Where am I supposed to get those supplies?"

"My mom's  house, all her medical supplies under her kitchen sink" she says starting to doze off, her vision becoming blurry, "Bellamy... if I don't make it."

He grabs her hand, intertwining her fingers with his, "Hey. Don't say that. Nothing is going to happen to you. You're a fighter. You'll survive." he says surely.

Just when life gets messed up

"Bellamy, please..."

Just when you can't turn back

"No Clarke. I don't care how important the thing you want to tell me is. You can tell me after, because I'm not letting you die. Got it?"

Clarke swallows the lump in her throat and gives him a weak nod.

"I'm not letting you die..." he whispers one last time before she looses consciousness.


dun dun dunnn

hehe she's totally gonna die ;)

- B

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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