When You Walk Away

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When You Walk Away - 5 Seconds of Summer

Cut me open, take my heart

Clarke jumps out of bed, not bothering to change, and throws on her black vans before grabbing her keys and running out to her car. She fumbles with the keys while rain pours down, "Come on, come on, come on," she whispers to herself until she hears a resounding click and lets out a sigh of relief, "got it."

Clarke jumps in her car, wet clothes soaking her seat. She reverses out of her driveway and presses the gas at an increasing rate until her car starts too sputter. Carefully she pulls onto the side of the road and turns on her hazard lights, "Come on, what now?" she mutters to herself as she tries to assess the situation. Her eyes find the gas light and she silently curses herself for forgetting to fill the tank up.

She get's out of her car, locking it as she makes her way over to the sidewalk and begins to run. Clarke clutches her phone in one hand as she runs. Rain and wind making her shiver. Her wet shorts sticking to her. Bellamy's green and white football jersey sticking itself to her body as she runs.

She makes it to the hospital, completely drenched and runs up to the reception desk. "Uh hi I'm here for..." she stops herself, not knowing the reason Jackson called her to the hospital.

"Clarke!" he calls from behind her.

I'm bad at letting go

Won't you let me down easy?

She whips around, wet hair smacking her in the face, she runs up to him, enveloping him in a hug. Jackson had always been like a big brother to her, he was his mom's apprentice in med school, but he also grew to be family. Clarke breaks away from the hug and looks up to him, "What's wrong?"

She watches as his eyes fill with tears, his voice falters as he tries to find the words, "It's- um- It's Abby."

Clarke feels as if the air has been sucked from her lungs, "Wha- what about her?"

"She overdosed."

"But she's okay, right? She's okay?" Clarke says, already knowing the answer coming.

Make it worth all of the pain

"Clarke-" Jackson starts, but she cuts him off.

"Don't!" she says, not meaning to snap at him. Clarke immediately feels guilty, "I'm sorry. I- I know. I need some time. I- I have to go."

Jackson gives her a sad smile, "I understand."

"Thank you." she says before giving him one last hug.

Shook me to the core, my optimism floored

Clarke makes it outside and just stands in the rain. Tears start to drip down your face, she inhales a shaky breath, "Oh not now, you've cried too much already." she says as she wipes the tears with her hands, only smearing the wetness more. She releases an angry sigh and wipes her hands over her face in frustration, moving them up and threading her fingers into her hair. She spins around on her heel, unable to process what's happening. 

Only one constant stays in her mind, "Bellamy." she whispers before breaking off into a sprint to his house. 

Cut me open, take my heart

So we'll never be apart

Tears flood her vision as she runs. The rain falls like knives piercing through her skin. Her lungs burn as she breaths in the thick, humid air. 

Clarke comes to a stop at his house and her heart rate increases. Her hands start to shake as she walks up to the door. She puts her hand up to knock but stops herself, contemplating if she should run back to her house and cry to herself.

She shakes her head, thinking back to when he said he would be there for her. Her knuckles meet the door and a knock is carried by the wind, echoing through the night. The door swings open and Clarke looks up to meet the face.


"What do you want?" she spits out, words dripping with venom.

"I- I'm looking for Bellamy." Clarke says, feeling self conscious as she takes in Echo's skinny figure and long legs. 

"He's sleeping, like every person at this hour."

"Oh- sorry interrupting," she says shyly as she wraps her arms around her shivering frame. 

"You should be sorry," Echo says before slamming the door in Clarke's face.

Clarke just stares at the door, tears continue to drip down her face, mixing with the rain. Clarke looks down at her necklace and traces her hands over the letter indentation. She inhales a shaky breath as she looks back up to the door, before running off to wherever her legs could take her.


I'm so bad at letting go

"Who was that?" Bellamy asks, throwing on a shirt.

Echo leans on the door seductively, trying to distract him, "Oh no one," she says as she pulls at the waistband of his sweats.

"Echo." Bellamy says firmly as her hands slip down farther. She ignores him and continues to move farther down, "Echo!" he says, annoyed and brings her up to meet his eyes, "Who was at the door?" 

I'm so bad at letting go

"A certain blonde bitch of yours."

Bellamy holds back the urge to punch something as the words leave her mouth, "What did she want?" he asks.

"You." she says bluntly as she trails her hands up and down his chest.

Cut me open, take my heart

So we'll never be apart

"I have to go," he says, breaking away from her grasp.

"Bellamy! I am your girlfriend!" she says, stomping her feet like a two year old.

"I know," he says as he grabs his keys.

"So why are you running back to that little bitch!? She left you! Get over her!"

"I am over her."

I can feel it in my bones, you don't love me anymore

Make it worth all of the pain

"No your not, every time she walks into the room your face lights up! You don't do that when I walk into a room! You SHOULD do that when I walk into a room! I'm your fucking GIRLFRIEND for gods sake!"

I'm so bad at letting go

"You won't be for long if you continue to act like a jealous two year old."

Echo scoffs, "You're thinking about breaking up with ME!?" she lets out a dry laugh, "NO ONE breaks up with ME! If you keep this up then I'm going to break up with you!"

Bellamy tuns around to face her, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to leave Clarke! Why do you keep running back to her trying to help her!?"

"Because I'm a good person!" he turns and opens the door, rain still pouring outside.

"Bellamy! If you walk out that door then we are over!" she yells, stomping her foot for extra effect.

When you walk away

Bellamy rolls his eyes and turns back to face her, "Then I guess you better start packing, you better be out by sunrise, leave your key on the counter when you leave." he closes the door behind him, leaving her standing there in her pajamas, speechless.



becho is finally over! now that that's out of the way, make way for bellarke!

feel free to lmk if u have any song suggestions :)

- B

𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌. bellarke (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now