Remind Me To Forget

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Remind Me To Forget - Kygo, Miguel

Clarke checks her phone, 8:48. Octavia will be at her house to pick her up in ten minutes. Groaning, Clarke lazily rolls off the couch and makes her way to her bedroom, pulling out a pair of high waisted jeans and a long sleeve grey crop top. She throws them then puts on Bellamy's letterman jacket, before walking over to the bathroom. Clarke looks at herself in the mirror, forcing a smile. She continues smiling while looking at herself in the mirror but eventually tears start to make their way to the surface of her eyes and she breaks herself from the trance.

It's tearing up my voice, left in silence.

Clarke pulls her hair into a messy bun and looks at her face in the mirror. She sighs, reaching over to grab concealer out of her makeup bag, she accidentally knocks over an empty water glass that is sitting on the bathroom counter. The glass falls to the floor, shattering as it hits the porcelain tile, shards of glass flying everywhere. Clarke inhales in pain as she looks down to her ankles and sees the cuts that the glass had made. Carefully she bends down and starts picking up the fallen shards of glass. 

It doesn't matter where you are, you can keep my regret

'Cause baby I got these scars, reminding me to forget

Reminding me, I got these scars, to forget your love

Reminding me, ooh, to forget your love

"Clarke!" a familiar voice yells as someone enters her room. Her hand instinctively tightens around the glass in fear and she hisses as it pierces through her skin. The familiar voice enters her bathroom and see's her on the floor, his eyes widen once he sees her on the floor. Blood drips down her hand and she lets go of the glass, letting it fall to the floor as she backs into the corner, letting her head fall between her knees as her hand continues to bleed. "Hey," the voice says gently as they make their way over to Clarke. She looks up to meet his brown eyes then down at her hand, the blood starts to bring back memories and she squeezes her eyes shut in attempts to push them away as her un-injured hand has clutches her necklace. 

Bellamy places his hand under her chin and gently turn her face, "Princess, look at me." he says. Clarke opens her eyes and blue eyes immediately start to stare into his brown ones. Bellamy sees her watery eyes and his heart breaks, he knows she left him and he wants to hate her so bad for some reason he can't. "Can you walk?" he asks as he looks over her body, taking in the damage, his eyes find the cuts on her ankles, "Never mind." he says. Bellamy scoops her up into his arms bridal style, "Where do you keep the first-aid kit?" he asks as he looks down at the broken woman in his arms.

'Cause baby it hit so hard, I'm holding onto my chest

Maybe you left your mark, reminding me to forget

"In the kitchen," she says, trying her best to hide the pain in her voice. Bellamy carries her to the kitchen and sets her down on the marble countertop before walking over to grab the kit. Clarke shivers as soon as she's out of his hold, immediately missing his warmth. He walks back to her with the kit in his hands, placing it down next to Clarke. He fixes up her ankles before taking her hand in his and fixing it. He reaches for the other one that is gripping the necklace but Clarke just moves her hand out of the way and shakes her head. "Clarke," he tries, giving her pleading eyes. He doesn't know why he's like this, trying to help the woman who broke his heart, but he is. "Princess please."

"I-" she starts but tears make their way out of her eyes. Bellamy brings his hand up to her face to wipe off the tears, and Clarke leans into his embrace as more tears drip down her face. Bellamy pulls her to him as she starts to cry. Her free hand grips his shirt as her tears start to wet it. He rubs his hand soothingly on her back and buries his face in her hair, inhaling the familiar scent on vanilla. "Princess, let me fix you," he says as they pull away.

I need you to let go

I got these mementos

And I'll be alright

Clarke looks down at her hand "What if I'm too broken to be fixed."

Bellamy becomes confused but quickly realizes what she's talking about, he places a gentle hand on her thigh, "Hey, whatever happened, the reason you left, everything, you can tell me, we can get through this" he stops while he slides his hand to hers and intertwines their fingers, "Together."

*flashback start*

Clarke runs out of her house, tears streaming down her face. Cold wind hits her and she pulls Bellamy's jacket tighter around her while she continues to run. She runs even when her lungs start to burn. She runs even though her legs feel like they are going to give out at any second. She continues running until she gets to the familiar white house. She knocks on the red door rapidly as more tears start to fall. 

"Princess, what are-" Bellamy starts but immediately stops himself when he sees her face. He pulls her inside, and she immediately wraps herself in his arms and cries into his chest. Bellamy could feel his heart breaking for her. "Princess, what happened?" he says as he strokes her hair.

"I-he. He's dead."

Bellamy's grip tightens, "Who's dead?"

"My dad- my dad he's dead." At that moment, her knees go weak and Bellamy catches her, carrying her to his bed. He sets her down and brushes the hair out of her face, "How'd it happen?"

"A drunk- drunk driver hit him." she says then falls apart, Bellamy pulls her into his arms again. "It's my fault."

"No it isn't." Bellamy tries to reassure her, but she doesn't let him.

"You don't understand, it is. He was going out and I asked him to stop by the store and-"

"Hey." Bellamy said, cutting off her rambling, "It's not your fault, the car could've him even if you didn't ask him to stop by the store."


"It's not your fault," Clarke says nothing more, just continues to cry into his arms.

"We'll get through this." he says.


"You and me." He says, looking down to see her face, "Together."

She gives him a sad smile, "Together."

*flashback end*

She looks up to meet his eyes and gives his hand a small squeeze, "Together."



hehe but I'm totally gonna pull something evil in the next chapter so get ready my dudes, it's gonna be a wild ride!

- B

𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌. bellarke (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now