We Don't Talk Anymore

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We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth, Selena Gomez

Clarke picked up the hoodie from her floor and held it up to her nose, inhaling the still crisp scent as memories flooded back to her. She tried to push back tears as she turned the hoodie around, tracing the words 'Bellamy Blake' on the backside, but all of her attempts failed and the tears started pouring out. Clarke put the hoodie on then moved over to pick up the last box left in her apartment and put it into the trunk of her car. It has been five years since the last time she's been to Arkadia, five years since she left without saying goodbye, five years. A lot can happen in five years. The boy she loved but left could've moved on, her best friend could've gotten married to her high school sweetheart, a million possibilities rushed through her mind and each thought terrified her. She kept in touch with her mom, but the last time her friends saw her was at her high school graduation, after her graduation she packed up and left without a trace, nobody knowing why she left.

When Clarke left, she moved to Phoenix and decided to pursue art in college, instead of listening to her mother's requests for her to be a doctor, of course her mother doesn't know and thinks that she is becoming a medical physician. The only reason Clarke decided to pursue art is because of Bellamy Blake, her (ex)boyfriend and childhood best friend that, whom she left without telling him why. She broke his heart, but she never forgot him. Every decision she made, she thought about what he would tell her if he was with her. She never has and never will love anyone like the way she loves Bellamy Blake, there was just something about him that made her heart leap out of her chest at the thought of him. Over the past five years, Clarke has spent her fair share of time crying herself to sleep at night, calling out to him, wishing that he was there with her to tell her everything was okay, falling asleep at night pretending his arms were wrapped around her. She was a hot mess, but she didn't care. It's not like anyone could see her, and when she had to go out she would put a smile and pretend she was fine.

Now Clarke is moving back to Arkadia due to her job, she's not ready to comeback, but someone has to pay the bills and living in Phoenix is expensive. As she hops in the drivers seat of her white jeep, she turns on the radio in hopes that the music will drown out her sorrows. Clarke merges onto the highway and the familiar scent engulfs her again, causing her to turn the volume higher and step on the gas.

I just hope you're lying next to somebody

Who knows how to love you like me

There must be a good reason that you're gone

Every now and then I think you

Might want me to come show up at your door

But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong

She ends up making it back to Arkadia in one piece, turning down the volume as she drives past familiar places filled with familiar faces. Clarke pulls up into the driveway of her new house. Getting out of her car and sees that the moving truck already unpacked everything in the spots she told them to. She opens the trunk of her jeep to see a lonely box that is half tipped over on the floor. Carefully, she brings the box back upright and slams the trunk door closed as she moves to the front door of her new house. Clarke struggles getting the door opened with the box in her hands, her new neighbor see's her struggling and comes over to help her.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" 

Clarke tenses at the familiarity of the voice and hesitantly turns around so her neighbor can see her face. Her neighbors mouth drops open and stays like this for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"Clarke?" Her neighbor says, in a voice that makes it sound too good to be true.

"Hey Octavia." Clarke says nervously, scared of her best friends reaction.

"OH MY GOD IT'S REALLY YOU!" Octavia yells in excitement as she pulls Clarke into a bear hug, causing her to drop the box she was holding.

"It's really me, Octavia." Clarke says as she melts into the hug.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too, do you wanna come inside?" Clarke says with a small chuckle as Octavia let's go of her.

"Of course!"

Clarke opens the door and gathers the dropped box in her hands, placing it on the floor inside as she goes to turn the lights on and get water for each of them, "Make yourself comfortable!" she yells from the kitchen.

"You know I will!" Octavia yells back as she falls onto the gray couch seated in the living room.

"So how have things been?" Clarke asked, handing her a cup of water as she sat down next to her on the couch. As soon as the words left her mouth, Clarke felt anxious about the answer, part of her wanting to know and the other part not.

Octavia took a deep breath before staring, "You left and nobody knew where you went. We were all going crazy, especially Bell. You should've seen him, he practically starved himself for a month. Your mom told us that you left and that you're okay, but he was still hurting like hell..."

Clarke instantly felt flooded with remorse for leaving Bellamy and putting him through all that pain. She zoned out as Octavia continued to ramble on, nodding her head along with what she was saying. Right now the only thought that was in Clarke's head was Bellamy Blake. His tall broad shoulders. His tanned skin. The way his soft silky curls fell into his eyes. His freckles splattered across his features. His luscious lips. Thoughts about him overtook her as she fell asleep next to Octavia on her couch, just like old times.


First chapter up!! Sorry it's so short. Please gimme feedback on it tho! I'm kinda trying a new thing with the songs and hope you guys like it. :))

- B

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