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Nico sits down on a hill overlooking the cabins of the camp. His skeletal warriors are busy building the new Hades cabin that Percy had secured for him. Percy. Nico scowls.  His eyes drift over to the canoe lake. Watching that underwater kiss had been so hard for Nico he had stopped eating and sleeping for four days. He had curled up in his temporary bunk in the Hermès cabin and not spoken to anyone. Will Solace had thought he was suffering from PTSD and admitted him to the infirmary. If only Percy knew how he made Nico feel ... But that wasn't fair. Percy didn't mean to hurt Nico like this. And it wasn't his fault Nico was ... the way he was.  But Nico didn't feel like being fair. He felt like breaking something. An owl swoops overhead and drops a letter in his lap. Nico looks at the envelope. The Hogwarts crest. He opens the envelope.

Dear Mr. Diangelo.

The new school year will begin on the first of September. The Hogwarts express will depart from platform 9 3/4 of Kings cross station at 11:00 am on that morning. All year two students will need the following items.

Nico looks over the book list. Gilderoy Lockhart? Never heard of him. Must be a wizard celebrity or something.  I sigh. It'll be nice to go back to school. I need to get away from camp. Nico sees a flash of blond hair out of the corner of his eye and suddenly Will Solace plops down next to him. Will examines Nico with a thoughtful frown. Nico raises an eyebrow. "What?" Will crosses his arms. "You're moping again." Nico shrugs. "So?"  "Why are you always moping?" "I dont know." Will and Nico gaze out at the camp in silence for a few minutes. Normally Nico would have preferred to be alone. But he never really minded Wills company. " Did i see you shooting a laser stick at Lou Ellen at the Empire State Building?" Will asks. "Never mind. I don't want to know." A smirk tugs at Nicos lips in spite of himself. "Did anyone else see?" Will shakes his head. "I don't think so." 

"Whos the letter from?" Will asks. "School. My supply list or the year." Will blinks with surprise. "You go to school?" Nico smiles. "I'm second best in my year. I would be first except for herbology. Plants don't like me." Nico frowns. Why am i trying to impress Will Solace? Will is gazing at Nico very intently now. "Nico." He says. And he looks about ready to cry. "Is there something you want to tell me?" Nico raises an eyebrow. "Like what?" Will sighs. He reaches out and gently grasps Nicos wrist pulling them closer to him. He slowly rolls up Nicos sleeves revealing the scars up and down his arms. Nico doesn't pull away. It would be a long time before he realized why not. "How long have you been doing these?" Nico Squirms. "Since Bianca died. " Will was silent but didnt release his wrists. the message was clear. He had all the time he wanted to take. But he wasnt leaving untill Will was satisfied he had talked through his feelings. 

"When things get to be too much. It helps me clear my head. Its a way to ... acknowledge what i feel then let it go." "Have you tried meditation?" Will asks. Nico laughs. Will squeezes his wrists. "This isn't funny Nico!" Will is almost shouting now. "This shit is fucking serious!" Nicos mouth is hanging open. Ive never even heard Will sound annoyed. He thinks. Now hes yelling at me? Will looks back at Nicos scarred forearms. "These ones are fresh." He says pressing his thumbs gently against a few wounds. Nico looks down at the ground. Neither of them say anything for a long time. Nico stares at the ground. Will squeezes his wrists gently. "When I was in the underworld." Nico begins slowly. "When Percy left me there." he chokes back a sob. "And then ,,," Nico cant continue. He breaks down in tears. Will wraps his arms around him and pulls him into a tight Hug. Nico stops crying. "What are you doing?" Here asks confusedly. Will raises an eyebrow. "Its called a hug. Human beings sometimes do this when they want to show that they care about each other." In spite of himself Nico laughs. Then Will laughs. Then they both laugh until they cant breath.

Finally, once they catch their breath Will examines Nico carefully. He sticks his hand into his pocket and pulls out his doctor pad. "I'm writing you a prescription." He says as he scribbles on the pad. "You can have it filled at any apothecary" Nico looks at the slip of paper the son of Apollo has thrust into his hands. "I dont need meds." He says and thrusts the paper back at him. "As long as I'm your doctor Ill decide if you need meds!" Will shouts. Nico flinches. " since when are you my doctor?" He asks. "Since right now." Will replies. Suddenly the shadows begin to write and contort until they jump into the air and form a large ball over Nico. Then it hardens into the shape of a large black cat with a note taped to its collar, which drops into Nicos lap and purs. "Hey Ajax. Nico says and pets the cat. Will reaches out and plucks the note off its collar. "Dear Nico" he reads out loud. "Your damn cat is driving me fucking crazy. Signed, Hades" Nico smirks. "I have to go Will. I need to buy my school supplies." Will Smiles. "Promise me you're going to stop by once in a while okay." Nico looks into Wills eyes and something flutters in his stomach. "Ill try my best." He promises, then melts into shadows.

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Where stories live. Discover now