Chapter 9 - Book Buddy

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Above I have the song that is mentioned below. It's one of my favorite songs and I thought it fitting. Feel free to listen to it along with the story!


Once you arrived at the library you took a quick look around checking to see if anyone else was in the library. Didn't want a repeat of last time. Once you made sure no one was going to be interrupting you, you set up your music. "Oh, Ms.Believer" by Twenty-One Pilots started playing. You then once again got to work organizing the books, while also dancing a bit to the music. 

After a bit, you made your way onto the next shelf only to find a certain god of mischief reading on one of the library's couches.

"Jesus, when are you going to stop sneaking up on me?" You told him exasperated making your way over to the next shelf. 

"Is that really how you treat the person who saved your life?" He asked you, closing the book he had been reading. You just scoffed before grabbing the pile of books. 

"My sincerest apologies, but I'm trying to organize these books okay?" You responded shifting the weight of the books on your hands. At this, he perked an eyebrow in curiosity. 

"Your sorting the books?" He asked with a skeptical look on his face. 

"No, I'm making coffee." You stated seriously looking up at him. 

He looked at you confused before you continued, "Yes, I'm sorting the books. Someone has to do it," you muttered the last part as you set the books down to start sorting again. You took a quick glance at your guide before grabbing the first book on the pile and looking for its place.

"I believe that one belongs in the 700-799's," he pointed out. You paused startled before checking the book, he was right. 

"Thank you," you told him before setting to work on the next book, you then paused again. "Thor told me that you used to help out in the library on Asgard," he looked up "W-would you like to um help out? Again? Possibly?" you asked him nervously. 

You internally facepalmed, what were you thinking? Loki, prince of Asgard, help out in a Midgardian library? Maybe you hit yourself in the head harder than you thought. 

"If you would like me too" He smirked. 

You quickly got occupied shelving another book, "I have a guide for shelving. I'm using the Dewey decimal system." You told him, holding out your other copy of the guide. You hade made a copy just in case you lost the first one. He got up from the couch and you handed him the copy. 

He studied it for a second, "Are we organizing these books over here?" He asked pointing to the two rather large piles of books. 

"Yup, as well as a lot of other ones but first we have to finish these first," you explained. Both of you then got to work with the books, occasionally shouting the numbers to each other if the other wasn't sure about where to put the book. You both spent a good half hour sorting through the books with the music playing. 

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