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1.6k reads?! I cannot believe this honestly, you guys are the best. While I am still taking a break from some social media (Wattpad, Tumblr, TikTok, etc.) I still check up on here every once in a while, reading some new books, reading comments, and I just want to say that I have some great things in store for this book and updates will resume shortly! 

And, "Mischief Managed" my Hogwarts Loki x reader AU will be published in maybe the following month or so, depending on how much time I get out of school.

That's all for now, I just wanted to check in and let you know that updates will resume soon!

With you till the end of the line, 

-Agent Mae Turner

(p.s my boy Draco is apparently trending rn??? I''ve been telling people this since 5th grade when I saw the movies 💀 (I read the books at 3rd or 4th I believe)

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