Chapter 8 - Waking up

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A/n I meant to put this in the last chapter but if you had some trouble understanding how things looked like when you were in the mirror feel free to tell me and I can try to get an image or draw it!

A/n I meant to put this in the last chapter but if you had some trouble understanding how things looked like when you were in the mirror feel free to tell me and I can try to get an image or draw it!

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You woke up with your head hurting like hell. Great another concussion you thought. You were starting to wonder if maybe that was your superpower. The ability to get concussions on a daily basis. Wonderful.

You then started looking around and realized you were once again, in a hospital bed. Well, that's lovely. You wondered for a second if maybe you had been dreaming the whole thing.

"Hey kiddo, glad to see you awake again! You really have to stop passing out on us though." Tony greeted you, walking into the room. Nope, not a dream after all. Not that you wanted it to be a dream.

"I'm guessing this means I missed breakfast?" You asked sitting up. Tony walked over and sat on the edge of your bed.

"Actually the better term would be you survived breakfast. Capsicle over there tried making pancakes." He reassured you. He then froze for a second before continuing " I'm pretty sure he may have invented a new type of poison." You chuckled to yourself. 

"Luck me then." You told him with a smile.

"Clint actually might have food poising," Nat commented. All three of you laughed at that. You hadn't even heard Nat enter. Well, she was the Black Widow. You all then heard a shout from outside the room.

"I heard that!" You recognized the voice as Clints. Poor guy had gotten the worst of it due to his immense love of pancakes. At this point, the rest of the Avengers had started to join you in the room.

Everyone then started reminiscing about the terrible disaster that breakfast had been. Steve had lowered his head in guilt when he learned that Clint hadn't been able to keep any food in his stomach without throwing up since breakfast. Everyone then burst into laughter again at caps reaction.

If you could cherish a moment forever this one would be one of them, surrounded by the Avengers. Everyone laughing and talking witch each other

You looked at everyone in the room, someone was missing. Other than Clint who was currently in the bathroom, again. You then realized that Loki was nowhere to be seen. Wonder where he is you thought.

After a while, everyone started to leave and go do their own thing. As for you, you were feeling much better and decided to explore a bit before Tony and Bruce called you back for more explanation on the whole mirror thing.

You decided that the best place would be the library since you still had a long way to go with the books. And so you made your way over once more to the elevator. Once you get in you pressed the button for the library level and waited to arrive at your destination.


A/n I'm the worst author, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. Finals hit me like a four-wheeler and I was super busy and I was already overworking myself on my finals art project. I know this chapter is short but I wanted to give you all something at least. 

The good news though is I'm starting another book, maybe another more. The first one will be a Will Turner x OFC (Pirates of the Caribbean) fanfiction. The OFC will be a character of mine Eileen Harrow. 

As for the second book, it will be another Loki x reader but Hogwarts AU! I'm going to try to write the first ten chapters of each book and then I'll publish them!

-Agent Mae T

-Agent Mae T

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