Chapter 11 - The Ancient One

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A/n This is the song thats playng while you paint! ^ I recommend listening to it during that scene!


When you finally woke up in the morning, you were tired beyond belief. Your legs were killing you from walking all those stairs and the rather lengthy trip to the mall. Sitting up you heard a thump and realized that your book had fallen to the floor. You grudgingly bent down to pick it up before placing it on your drawer. So far, you weren't really liking how this day was going. 

Wait, your meeting the Ancient One today! Yes! You internally cheered, throwing a fist bump into the air before getting dressed for the days events. As you were getting dressed you wondered who was cooking breakfast. You hoped it wasn't Cap again, because you were hungry and weren't looking forward to throwing up today. 

When you finished dressing you went to the bathroom to try to tame your hair. Which looked like a rats nest since you had slept in a terrible position. After a couple of minutes of battling with your hair, you finally decided that it was as good as it was going to get for now. Ah well, you shrugged setting your brush down on the countertop.

Once you were all ready you headed out of your room towards the elevators to join everyone else for breakfast. When you exited the elevator your nose was instantly hit with a delicious smell. You sped up your pace curious as to what was cooking. 

"It smells great in here!" You exclaimed walking into the lounge area. All the other Avengers were already up and situated around the room waiting for breakfast. Everyone was watching TV except for Loki, who was perfectly content sitting on the couch and reading his book. You shook your head, rather amused by the sight of all the Avengers. 

"Clint's making french toast!" Natasha called out from one of the couches. You gasped, french toast! Yesss! Maybe this day wasn't going to be so bad after all you thought. 

"And I'm just about done, so everyone better form a line!" Clint called back from the kitchen. In seconds everyone had rushed over and formed a line to get their french toast. You had been closer to the kitchen so you were one of the first to be served. You then triumphantly walked with your stack of french toast back towards the kitchen island where you sat down. As you were happily munching away on your french toast you thought about what the Ancient One would say. Would she be able to tell you what your powers were? Or would she not know? 

Eventually, you finished your french toast which was utterly delicious by the way. When you asked Clint how they were so good he just told you that he had experience making them. You guessed that he was probably talking about Laura and the kids. As you were making your way back towards the elevator you were stopped by Tony calling out.

"Hey, don't forget we have to meet with the Ancient One in the afternoon okay?" He called out, still eating his french toast. 

"Don't worry, I'll set an alarm!" You shouted back. With that, you finally got into the elevator and pressed the button to your floor.

"Miss Y/l/n your things have arrived and are in your room," JARVIS announced startling you slightly. 

"My things?" You asked confused, you then remembered that you had ordered some things for your room. "Oooh, those! Thank you, Jarvis!" 

"Your welcome miss," The AI told you just as the elevator doors opened. You quickly made your way to your room and surely enough, there were packages waiting in your room. You hoped that nothing had been broken during shipping. 

However, before you got to unpacking everything you decided to put some music on. You got your earbuds out and plugged them into your phone before clicking on your playlist. You then turned up the volume before getting to work unpacking everything. Most of the stuff was posters and some other things you had gotten from the thrift store. 

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