Chapter 7 - Mirrors

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A/n In this chapter you get to investigate your powers a bit more... That's all I'm saying for now though. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


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You woke up the next morning feeling tired. Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up till 12 last night on Tumblr you thought grudgingly to yourself. Now you were going to be tired all morning. You groaned, you didn't want to get out of bed. Especially a bed as comfortable as this one. 

You sighed into the pillow, you would have to get up sooner or later. You got up with a huff, might as well get it over with. You turned your head to look at the clock, trying to see what time it was.

8:30 am

That wasn't so bad you thought. You thought you had slept in longer, but 8 wasn't that bad. You took this as a sign and quickly got up to get dressed.

 Last night when you had changed into your pajamas it had been dark and you were tired so you hadn't really seen the closet that well. But now that you were awake you could see the closet clearly. As well as the unearthly amount of clothes that were in it. You had never seen so many clothes in your life, except for in stores.

 You decided to quickly skim through the clothes searching for something that you liked. After some time you found some olive green leggings as well as a simple white tank top, with a button-up top to go over it. 

You looked around for a mirror to see if you looked at least moderately acceptable. Your eyes landed on a huge floor length mirror by the doorway. Ah, that should work nicely you thought. You then quickly walked over to it. 

Unfortunately you hadn't noticed the carpet that was sticking out and your foot instantly caught on it sending you flying towards the mirror. You let out a short scream of surprise before putting your hands out in front of you to break your fall. You felt yourself fall forward, you shut your eyes expecting to hear the breaking of glass. You fell to the floor on your hands. Your ears were ringing and your head throbbing when you opened your eyes. 

Where were you? You quickly got up and looked around you. What the hell? You weren't in your room anymore. Well kind of. You could still see your room but it seemed fainter, the only thing that stood out was the mirror which was in front of you. Almost like looking through an X-ray. In fact, you turned around all the mirrors and glass in your room appeared solid. 

The realization hit you like a train. No, no, no. This couldn't be possible, your heart rate picked up. You ran up to the mirror, pressing your hands against it. You were in the mirror, and you had no idea how to get out. 

You started panicking, come on think. You didn't even know how you got in, in the first place. you tried ramming your shoulder into it. Nothing. Great, now you were trapped in a mirror with a bruised shoulder. Shit, shit, shit. Now what?

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