Chapter 10 - Late night tea

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f/t = Favorite Tea


After a while of sleeping, you woke up, much to your dismay. Great, now you couldn't even sleep? Well, actually you never did, but that wasn't the point right now. You groaned readjusting yourself on the bed, trying desperately to fall back asleep. 

No such luck it would seem. You groaned again turning to look at the clock to see how long it was until it was a decent time to be able to wake up like a normal person.

1:14 am

You sighed, still about six or seven more hours until people started to get up. You then sat upon your bed, there was only one thing left to do you decided. 


Until your eyes got so tired that you fell asleep. Hopefully. And preferably with a nice hot cup of tea. You quickly hopped off your bed and put on some slippers before leaving your room to make some tea. 

As you walked down the hallway you tried your very best not to make any noise. Awaken your inner ninja y/n, you thought to yourself. Ninjaaa. As you were about to get on the elevator you glanced towards the stairwell. Hmm, the stairs would make less noise than the elevator. After a bit of consideration, you decided to be better safe than sorry.

So you took the stairs, after all, it was only one floor up so how bad could it be? Bad, it was very bad. By the time you reached the level, your feet were literally killing you from the stairs and from the long trip to the shopping mall. Maybe the stairs hadn't been the wisest idea after all.

But right now the only thing that mattered was getting your tea. As you made your way towards the kitchen you paused. Shoot. 

Do they even have tea? And if they did, did they have f/t? You guessed you would just have to find out you sighed. Once you got to the kitchen you started rummaging through all the pots and pans trying to find the tea kettle. You tried your best not to make any noise, but you did occasionally drop a pan. 


Okay, you dropped a lot. But it wasn't your fault that you were clumsy. Thankfully no one heard you. Hopefully. Once you finally found the tea kettle you filled it to the brim with water. When that was finished you decided to start your search for some tea bags. 

After a lot of rummaging in the pantry, you eventually found what you were looking for in the very back. It was a tiny little box and inside it was filled with a couple of teabags. 

You guessed that not a lot of people drank tea here given how few there were and what little assortment there was compared to the mounds of tea you had back in your apartment. You pouted when you realized that they didn't have f/t. You would have to ask JARVIS to add that to your shopping list in the morning. After a bit of thought, you went with a type of herbal tea that you had once tried a long time ago. So it was worth a shot you thought. 

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