Bab 73

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Aunt Jess mula keliru dengan kata-kata aku sebentar tadi."¿qué? ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Tuviste gemelos?"[what? What do you mean? You had a twin? ]banyak persoalan yang tertanya-tanya oleh dirinya.

" s-sí, lo hago. "[ Y-yes , I do .] Balas aku gugup .

Dia mendekati aku dan meletekkan tangannya di bahuku . "¿Qué sucedió? " [ what happened ?]tanya dia . Im sure ,dia akan menyesal layan aku baik-baik .

" él morirá . " [ he will die .]Kata aku . Segera dia menutup mulutnya seperti tak percaya . " oh darling , im sorry to hear that , Mariéne . Why would it be like that ? How can I help you ? "Tanya dia sedih mendengar .

Aku merenungnya di mata . " yes you're the only one who can help me . " kata aku .

" really ? Tell me what you want ,honey . Anything . What can I help him , What's his name ?" Tanya Aunt Jess . Im scared .

" I-I call him Lucas . He's facing the death penalty ."kata aku . Aunt Jess mula terbisu .

"Someone that he really love died because of him but he didn't want that to happened . And until now , he still wanted her to be alive and he-"

"What is his real name ?" Aunt Jess memotong kata-kata aku . Dia mula serious .Aku tertunduk . "Marquez Estefan ."

Aunt Jess menarik tangannya dengan segera . Dia mula menjauhi dariku . 

"That filthy milquetoast is a son of a bitch . And when I say that , that means so were you , and your mother is a bitch . Mariéne , now I feel it , how disgusting to say your name . My bad , you don't deserve my sympathy . " dihina depan muka .

Tak sampai hati nak dengar nama mama di hina , dan Lucas . Apa yang aku dah buat ni . Am I doing the right thing ?

Dia mula memeluk tubuh dan membuat muka bengis ." Don't tell me , you're here to beg me because him ? What a shameless little cunt . You're rude ! "

" I-m sorry . I really love him . And I love her . And he really love her too . Im not ready yet and I never will , I can't lose someone that I love again . " luah aku .

"You pig-ignorant people needs to learn before you come here and beg me for something stupid . What's on your mind ? Do you think I will let him go after you came and cry and me listening to some cliché ? How could such a creature survive in such a habitat ? Are you stupid ? "

Aku mula berdiri dan berlutut ke lantai sambil berhadapan dengannya. "I'll do whatever you want . I am so sorry . Please , Im begging you , I can't leave him like that ."

Aura panas aunt Jess mula terasa . Dia menendang aku . " what are you doing ? Ugh ! You're such a dork ."maki dia .

" do you even know what a death penalty is ?  It is a capital punishment . Ask yourself , why would he gets a punishment ,Mariene ? Because he killed my daughter . He's a fucking murder ! Now tell me ! Why are you on the murder's side ?  "

Cara dia pandang aku , bunyi suara dia  , aku dapat rasakan aura negatif . Aku sendiri tak suka . Dah banyak kali aku dimaki .

Aku mula berdiri ." You don't understand , he's not a murder ! This is just a misunderstanding . Why would he kill her ? He loves her ! You love her too , would you kill someone you love ? He didn't killed her , she killed herself . " aku terlepas kata . Sangat sensetif . Kenapa aku tak dapat kawal diri aku masa-masa macam ni ?

" what did you just said ? You selfish little cunt ! You need to stop talking garbage . You're not even there when it happens , you don't even know the whole story . "Balasnya .

"Well , were you there ? When it happens ? "Jawab aku dengan selamba .

Aunt Jess terdiam dan menunjukkan muka geram . Aku pun tak tahu apa yang aku buat . Aku sepatutnya memohon dia , tapi apa aku buat ni ? Aku lawan dia . I am so stupid . I can't control myself .

"No , I guess you weren't . You said I didn't know the whole story , but I know how he feels . I know him more than anyone out there . Do you know how she felt before she dies ? Did she ever talk to you ? " tanya aku . I need to know . Maybe theres something more .

Dia mula berjalan ke arah aku yang membuat aku terundur ." You're too much ! I've treated you like my own daughter , I believed in you , but now you're on the other side . You betrayed me ! "

" so what ? What am I suppose to do ? To feel how you feel ? I felt it many times ,Jess . I've had enough ."jawab aku .

" I know you haven't fully understand yet , but please stop it . If you're still doing it then you're just the same as you think Marquez is . You're a murder too , Because you try to kill him." Aku melepaskan kata-kata . Aku rasa macam tak ada otak .

" you called me a murder ?! Look at you, you're manipulating ! You are playing the victim ." Aunt Jess menolak aku dengan tenaga marah dan kuatnya itu yang membuat pinggang aku terhentak tepat ke bucu meja yang tajam itu.

Aku mengerang kesakitan. Tepat pada masa itu, Miguel pantas memasuki rumah ini tanpa kebenaran dan segera membantu aku .

"¡Disculpe a Ma'am, no tienes permiso para poner tu mano en esta joven! ¡Es una orden!"[Ma'am, you're not allowed to put your hand on her! It's an order!]Tegur Miguel dengan tegas sekali . Dia melindungi aku.

Tiba-tiba datang seseorang jejaka dari tangga dengan senyuman senget dan sebotol kaca Vodka . Kendra's Father . Sumpah diaorang nampak menakutkan . Diaorang tak pernah macam ni dulu .


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