fifty seven

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I unlock the door, and Annabeth immediately pushes past me to the fridge. "If you were hungry, we could have stopped for food."

She starts rifling through the fridge, pulling out fruit. She opens the milk, sniffs it, grimaces, and sets it on the counter. I hadn't even thought about stuff going bad. I lean against the door, watching her clean the fridge. Her untamed curls are pulled away from her face and her ratty jeans hug her hips. Light streams through our window, illuminating the bones on her face and I can't help but smile. This woman is mine. Every day should be a celebration.

I walk over to her, slowly turning her around and lifting her by the waist so she sits on the counter. She runs her fingers across my lips and smiles as she wraps her legs around me.

"Hello there," she beams.

"I was asleep for a long time," I say, leaning into her chest. "And I had dreams, as I often do. Do you know why I made the connection about the demigods and their kids?"

"I have a feeling you're going to tell me."

"I saw us. I saw our kids. I saw the life that I've always wanted with you." I kiss the inside of her eye, lips salty with her tears. "We shouldn't be alive, Annabeth. But we are, and so long as we're together, that's all I'll ever need. I love you, Wise Girl, with all that I am. I don't know if it just took some growing up for me to realize just how much I love you, but I don't care. Now I know, and I never want you to forget it."

She leans her lips against mine, kissing me feverishly. She grips my upper arm with one hand and curls her fingers in the hair at the back of my neck. I squeeze the top of her thighs, feeling the heat growing between us.

We travel to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind us. When I slam onto the mattress, I finally feel like I'm back home. I stare up at Annabeth, whose knees straddle either side of my hips. I watch her pull her shirt off her head, and she frowns when she notices me staring at her. "Is everything okay?"

"Better than okay," I say, reaching forward and pulling her down gently. "I love you."

"And I love you, Seaweed Brain," she reminds me, lips spreading into that grin I love so dearly. I shove her over, flipping our bodies so I can stare down at her perfection. She presses her hands against the wound on my stomach. "Forever."

- - - - - - - - - -

We allow for a long time to pass. I almost fall asleep on her chest, mesmerized by her breaths and her long fingers stroking my back. "Do you think we failed Chiron?" She asks.

"Miserably," I assure her, tugging at the lace of her bralette with my teeth. "Maybe halfboods just aren't cut out for high school."

"Or maybe it's us," she says wistfully, drumming her fingers on my side. "Maybe we suck at high school."

"I wouldn't consider it to be a total waste of time," I say, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. "But you're right. It might be a bit soon to try and introduce us into this world."

"I'm glad we did," she says, guiding my hand to the inside of her thigh and leaning against my shoulder. "We have lots to be thankful for. And you know, we learned a lot about ourselves and each other."

I agree. "Six months ago, we never would have been able to sit here and talk about ourselves the way we are now. That's growth."

"Well, we may not have graduated, but we're not dead. And you didn't quite succeed when you tried to dump me, so I'd say we're doing okay for us."

We enjoy each others' presence for a few minutes, warmed by our love. And, you know, a stack of blankets. "We said we'd be there through the good and the bad," I say, tipping her chin towards me.

"And we have," she agrees, voice hoarse. I could stare at these eyes all day.

"But I've had enough of the bad for a while," I say, lips parting in a smile. "Let's hope there's more good coming."

"As long as we're together, all of the things are good," she reminds me, whispering a kiss against my lips.

I've never agreed more.

- - - - - - - - - -


.... So that's it. It's been a year of inconsistent updates, shaky storylines and undeniable love between our two heroes. If we want to talk about heroes, you're all mine. Thank you so much for giving me a reason to do what I love.

I just want to take the time to appreciate your patience, your kindness and your enthusiasm. The world of fan fiction is so huge, but you chose to dive in with me and I'm eternally grateful.

Thank you Uncle Rick for giving me these two blessings. They may only exist on paper to some, but they live and thrive in my mind. These books have given me an escape for ten years now, and they propel me forward with my writing dream every day.

Now, back to you again. Thank you for believing in me and for taking a chance on this little story. I hope you loved it as much as I did.

I'm going to miss your comments and eager votes so much, but I'm very thankful to have had them. Who knows, I might still have more in me, but that's a story for another time.

Thank you again for reading. You hold a huge place in my heart.

As I've always said, thank the gods for everything in your life that brings you happiness. In this case, for me, it's the son of the sea god and his many adventures.

Love always, tumblingupwards

The Good and The Bad ~ PercabethWhere stories live. Discover now