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Sam and I walk down the dark hallway in silence.

I look over at him and his face is so stern but has this small gentleness within such seriousness. In the dark hallway, it's as if his eyes glow in their yellow color. He's quite the person to look at.

Our steps echo against the cement. We go through the kitchen, and stop at a door. Sam turns to look at me, and gives me a small smile.

Surprisingly, I smile back at him, and goosebumps start on my arms.

He puts his right hand on the door and hesitates. His eyes are closed, and his face is as if he's gone to another world. I immediately notice the bracelet on his wrist. It's just like my own as the letters put together his name. For some reason, when I look at this calmness in his face, my muscles relax.

I touch his broad shoulder lightly, and he jumps a little. His eyes, still, soft and gentle when he looks at me.

I do a quick and nervous smile, not knowing what to say. My hands seem to sweat with his look.

Sam pretends not to see this and says, "Are you ready for the first day of your life?"

It was these few words that start the adrenaline going through my veins. My feet seemed almost ready to run out of the door. There is that familiar rush inside me that makes me smile at him and say, "I was born ready."

He laughs when I say this. His laugh amazingly makes me feel warm all over and my stomach jumps. He looks over at the door, and says, "I'm finally ready for this."

Wait, he's new, too?

Before I can ask, Sam pushes the door and the light of the sun burns my eyes. I close my eyes for a moment, and feel Sam's hand on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, my mouth wide in surprise by what I see.

The first thing I see is a beautiful front yard full of green. It brings me back to that painful moment when I was falling but I push it aside when I observe a busy street in front of us, and there are tall buildings everywhere. I look up and see these metal strings up in the air, but on the strings there's trains riding on it in mid air. The buildings are so tall that it seems like there's no ending. The streets are a kind of a bluish color, and there's cars of every shape and size. Some even seem to float across the skies with ease.

I look around in awe, and notice that Sam still has his hand on my shoulder. I look over at him, and see that he has a wide grin on. I start laughing and without thinking my arms immediately warp around his neck and hug him tight. I can feel this wide smile form on my lips and say, "Thank you! This is..This is.."

Sam laughs, his low voice powering up the adrenaline in my veins. "There's nothing to thank me for. Thank Alexander." When we pull apart, for a second this new side of him tempts me to want to stay in his arms forever. Bringing more beauty to his appearance with just a few smiles, but Sam snaps me out as he points up for me to see something in the sky. I look up.

There's one building that's taller than all the buildings around us, and it has an odd pyramid shaped metal on the top. At the edge of the pyramid there's a bright red light turning on and off.

I look at Sam again, and his smile is smaller this time. He leans over for me to hear over the noisy street and says, "That's where they detect the new people every month."

I smile back at him and tell him, "This place is amazing. What's its name?"

He looks at me with a worried face, and looks around to see if anyone is listening. I know no one even notices us.

"Hey, let me take you to this really good place. And we'll talk there. I am your instructor, so you can tell me anything." He smiles and puts his hand lightly on my back so I can start walking. Chills run through my back with the feeling of his hand on my back.

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