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Now that I know special special abilities exist, I'm racing Dan through the streets. No one really notices us because I'm too fast and Dan is up in the sky with a neon motorcycle. Through the fast blurs, I see Dan's wide smile. His motorcycle quickly dodges every other person in a sky vehicle. The sound of his warm laugh echoes around as I go through the streets.  

All I see are blurry figures beside me. After sharing a chuckle with Dan, I once again focus on what's in front of me. Adrenaline runs through my every vein as we race to the beach.

The great thing about this power is that I never seem to get tired. I'm so fast that I don't notice the traffic coming up in front. But even though I'm fast from the outside, my mind is even faster.

I try to think of a way to go through the traffic. I imagine myself going to the middle. All I see is me getting hit by a taxi car.

I try the right side, but all I can see is me hitting a man who was getting out of a car, and then getting hit by a flying vehicle.

I try the left side. All I see is just getting hit by the door of a ground vehicle as a man opens it to get in. I get a few scratches, that's all. Maybe I can jump. Yes, I'll jump. I go faster and I can hear Dan calling after me to stop, but I ignore him. Adrenaline and electricity runs through my body as I get ready to take the next move. Once I'm a few inches there, the man opens the door, I close my eyes and jump as high as I can.  

All I feel is the air blowing through my face. I don't feel any pain.

Did I hit the car?

I can hear Dan laughing. I open my eyes and see that I'm up in the sky with Dan. The feeling of metal in between my legs makes me realize I'm on the flying motorcycle with Dan.

I panic a little when I see the flying cars and train lines up ahead, but I can feel his warm hand touch my shoulder lightly and I relax. He looks back quickly and gives me his warm smile. "It's okay, Blake! Just hold on to me!"

I interlace my fingers around his thin waist and lay my head on his shoulder. Though he may seem thin, I can feel the strong and broad feeling of his shoulders and the abdomen underneath the white collar shirt he's wearing.

With the wind in my ears, I look up again and awe makes my lips form into a wide smile. "Higher!" I yell, and with a twist of his wrist Dan directs the motorcycle higher. I howl once I'm higher than the buildings. Dan laughs and joins me in my excited yelps.

Everything just seems like a dream, and for the first time in forever, I don't want to wake up. I finally feel

Dan lands carefully on the sand and let's out a contented sigh. His brown eyes shine and he helps me off the vehicle. "Wow!" he says. "That was one great ride. I haven't done one of these races in years!"

As I get off, I seem to catch my breath from all of these emotions in one quick moment. "Well, I gotta say. You're pretty good at these things." I point at the motorcycle. It's neon color starts disappearing as Dan clicks a small button on the side. It then starts transforming into a small rectangular shape. Dan smiles and shoves this piece in his pocket.

"Don't ever forget your keys." I laugh at the scene with surprise and joy. I suddenly feel the same rush I felt when I first met him.

Dan starts walking down the beach and I follow. On the way there, we pick up a few seashells. "Hey don't you have any abilities?" I watch the way the sunset glows on his perfect peached skin. His brown hair is lighter than ever and his brown eyes suddenly become like the waves' gentle movement.

He's quiet. His eyes stay on the ground. This suddenly gives a new interest in him. Does he not have any abilities? I start to open my mouth to break the silence until Dan stops abruptly and looks up in worry. His eyes search the crowd of people that are dispersed on the beach. "That's weird," he says. "I've never seen someone do that before."

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