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"Sweetie, what happened to you?!" Christina touches Kat's face gently. Looking at every bruise and cut.

Kat does a small chuckle. "It's called the Physical Education Department, Christina. And Mia, I guess."

"Wait. Mia did this to you?" Sam steps up next to Christina and touches one of Kat's bruises on her cheek. His tenderness reflects in his eyes when he looks at her. "How?"

"You know. I ask myself the same thing. Those punches looked very easy to do but I guess it requires some sort of speed?"

Kat's sarcastic tone brings a smile to my face. "Well, at least you learned to cover your face next time." I laugh at my own joke but Sam's look stops me.

Kat laughs along anyways; ignoring Sam's attention. "Well. Mia is officially my teacher, so I trust that whatever she did to my poor face is part of a lesson."

"Let me just get a cream for those bruises." Christina eagerly looks into one of the kitchen counters, but Kat touches her shoulder lightly. Her sweet smile stops Christina in her search.

"It's Okay Christina. I'm fine. Really! I think I saw a facial cream in my bathroom. I'll make sure to put it on tonight." Christina smiles at this but she still shows doubt. Kat notices this and makes her smile wider. With her eyebrows raised, her blue eyes shine with mischief. "Promise."

Christina sighs contentedly and points at her. "You better. I'm going to ask the machine if you did it or not."

Kat laughs at this and says, "Okayy." Sam and I are sitting at the table as we eat an orange together. He watches as Kat happily grabs an apple from the middle of the table. She gives us a small smile and takes a bit from her apple. "Hm," she says as she looks at her apple with wonder. "Haven't eaten one of these in a while." She chuckles and pats Sam on the shoulder as she starts to walk out of the kitchen. "See you later, Sam!"

Sam smiles at her and watches her leave the kitchen. Watching her every move with interest and wonder. I chuckle at the way he blushes when Kat is around. "She's kind of weird, huh?"

Sam looks back at me. His eyes are shining as he opens his mouth to look for a response. "She's...quite a beautiful creature."

"Mm...yeah? Well, You're just a creature. I'm not sure what word to put before it. I'll let Kat decide that." We both chuckle at this. I put an orange slice in my mouth and hand in the rest to Sam. "Here. You'll need it."

"Huh. If only." Sam nods thankfully and starts eating the orange. I say my "goodbye" to Christina as she makes her famous soup. I need to talk to Kat in order to go with the rest of my day.

"Hey Kat." I lightly knock on the door of her room. She sits in one of her couches with Kiwi, watching a sort of medical documentary. Those seem to be one of the oldest channels of television.

Kat and Blake lookup. Half way through her apple already, Kat does a small smile and says, "Come in, Emms."

"Thanks." I walk in slowly. My feet feel awkward in such a situation. What I've done in the morning wasn't right and my every cell seems to know it.

Blake watches me enter and quickly gets up, understanding why I'm truly here. "Hey, Kat. I'm gonna get some water. If you don't mind." Blake points toward the door.

"Oh. It's okay. I have this machine. It gives me water on the side of my night stand." Kat points towards her bed. "You didn't know? All the rooms have it."

"Oh." Blake looks at me with worry. She scratches the back of her head nervously. Her hazel eyes searching for an escape. "Well. I'm....going to go anyways. I think you two should..." And without ending her sentence, Blake quickly walks towards the door. She whispers, "good luck" to me on her way out.

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