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Dinner was great. Christina ended up making delicious sandwiches with cookies and milk for dessert. We were having so much fun but everytime we heard a few screams from outside, we would make a moment of silence in memory of that person.

So, basically we are underground. Dr. A told us that everyone has a mini house underground for these kinds of situations. Especially Scientists who have laboratories like him, but sometimes people forget about it, panic, and they get hurt or even worse.

I shiver when he talks about this. It must be horrible to be out there and see that you only have a few minutes until the water comes and kills you.

Dom leans over and whispers, "You cold?"

I look over at him and see that Dan takes off his sweater for me. Flour still stains it from earlier today. Dom sees Dan do this and frowns. I roll my eyes at them and say, "It's okay guys. I'm not cold. But thanks though." I look at Dan and give him a small smile.

He nods and puts his jacket on the side of his chair. "No need for this anymore when a girl decided to throw flour at me."

We both smile at the memory and from the corner of my eye I see Dom clear his throat in annoyance. "So girls! Have any of you discovered your abilities yet?"

Dr. A and Christina smile and exchange glances. "How about you boys show them yours and then they'll show you theirs."

Dr. A points at Dan and nods. Dan nods back in understanding and stands up. "Okay. Um..well." He scratches his neck nervously as he searches for the words to explain. I turn slightly to the side eager to know Dan in this area. The face he made back at the beach sends that curiosity about Dan once again. He looks up and sees me. His big dark eyes shine hope as he sees my encouraging smile. His short hair is messy on the tip where it is neatly brushed to one side. It is as if someone had run their hand through the light brown of his hair.

Dan does a nervous chuckle and takes out his hand. "Well, you see. Mine is not an amazing one really. I'm just able to...see things when I touch people, I guess." The little confidence in his posture fades away when Dom snorts.

I give Dom a frown and look back at Dan. "What do you mean...see things?"

"I don't know." Dan looks at his hands and back at me. "I just see...things about this person I touch. Scenes. Like a movie about that person, I guess."

"Like their past?" Emms at the edge of her seat as she observes Dan. A shine of intrigue goes through her eyes. Kat, too, carries a surprised look as her eyebrows raise.

"I suppose so," Dan says with a small smile.

"We're still trying to figure out Dan's ability and the extent of it," Dr. A says this time. "He's still figuring out how to control it, you could say. For now, every person he touches, he sees a glimpse of their past."

"Wow," I say softly. I look at Dan now that he's sitting back in the seat next to me. "That's really cool." His nervous chuckle makes my lips form a wide smile. Yet, my smile fades away when Dan's explanation of his ability truly sinks in. If he can see someone's past, then can he see mine? The image of Dan's touch on my arms when he tried to throw me in the water pops up in my head. Did he see anything then?

My unsettling thoughts are interrupted when Dom stands up this time. He looks at me and smiles. For a second, I nearly fall for his flirting strategy, but I look away and smile at Kat. She rolls her eyes; immediately understanding me.

Dom wiggles his fingers and says, "Well, you can say I'm the hottest one of them all." This time he gives me a quick wink and I roll my eyes at this.

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