Talking it Out

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You had returned to your apartment after the meeting with Ms. Joke to re-work your article for the paper. She was able to provide a couple more bits of information but it wasn't much of anything. All other sources checked out her story and police records provided more intel than the woman who took down the smuggling ring. Regardless, you typed up your article, proof-read it a couple of times and submitted it to your editor. You sighed and rolled back along your chair once the job was done. Over 72 hours worth of work, now completed it. You stood up and stretched a little as you walked into your kitchen to grab some food.

You crashed on down to your couch once your ramen was made. Even after flipping through channels and finding something good to watch, there was still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. Ms. Joke. Emi. Sure you did piss a lot of people off with your course and rough exterior, but that still didn't mean that you cared. had never seen Emi like that before. She genially looked upset. That was not something you ever thought you see.

You sighed again and pinched the bridge of your nose. Why was this such a big deal for you? She was annoying. But to be fair, you hadn't seen her since Middle School and a few times on TV. Maybe you were the one out of line? But still, that didn't mean it wasn't annoying for you too. Still, it did pain you a bit on the inside about the whole situation.

Your nerves and guilt got the better of you.  The following day, you made your way to Ketsubutsu to talk to Ms. Joke. However, just like UA, the entire school had an impressive security system. You glanced up to the top of the main gate and saw the camera. You waved slightly and showed your press pass. A ball emerged from the gate and descended down to you.

(Y/N): I'm just here to see a teacher. She's a friend.

The ball scanned you up and down and flew back up to the gate and locked itself back into place. The gates opened and you slowly walked through. You had to say, the school was a lot bigger than UA and even had a lot more in a variety of quirks. You were more impressed than anything else. But still, you had a job to do. You walked through the halls and found the staff lounge. You looked inside and saw Emi eating some ramen while working on some papers.

You sighed and walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned and looked up at you.

Ms. Joke: Oh. Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing here? Don't you have...reporter things to do. Gotta write some...some...I can't think of a good pun right now.

(Y/N): I wouldn't worry about it.

Ms. Joke:'s up with you?

(Y/N): see. I just feel as if I owe you an apology about yesterday. Needless to say, I was a little rude and I seemed out of line and I-

Ms. Joke: Yeah, yeah. Who cares?

(Y/N): I...wait what?

Ms. Joke: It's not a big deal. I know I use my quirk a little too often and in inappropriate situations. You had every right to be upset with me. So, I take the blame on that one.

(Y/N): Well...I...uh. I honestly didn't expect this whatsoever.

Ms. Joke: And now you have it. So, what will you do with this information?

(Y/N): Ask for a one-on-one?

Ms. Joke stopped herself and slowly turned to look up at you. And offered her up a smile as you clicked a pen. She looked at you and raised an eyebrow before returning to her work.

Ms. Joke: Nope. I'm on the clock.

(Y/N): I can wait if you want me to?

Ms. Joke: Dont you have other things to-

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now