The Mission

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Using what little information Joke provided for you, you began your hunt for this possible, even larger, ring of operations. Getting into your police contact, he could only provide you what information he had beforehand, same with Ms. Joke. So, already things were starting off pretty dry. There wasn't much else you could do. So, you once again crashed down on your couch as you struggled to think about what to do in order to find out the issues at hand. You had to think about this in some way shape or form. And that's when the idea hit you hard.

That one smuggler/mad man who nearly killed you. The lanky one. The guy who almost fed you to that other short guy. He was arrested in the chaos! Which meant he was locked away in the cell somewhere in the nation. There was no way in hell they would move a simple mobster to another whole part of the nation. He was still local. So, it was all of a matter of finding him and getting the answer from the source itself.

But...there was no way in hell that the police would let you interrogate a mobster. Especially one that attempted to kill you. So, you had to think about this one. But considering you were contracted by Ms. Joke, there could be a loophole here. You sighed as you made up your decision. You called your police contact again and tried your best to get him to reveal where the bastard was.

(Y/N): Ech. Come on. Just one favor.

Contact: I don't know man. Look, the chief is already riding my ass! If he figures out I let you in to see a murderer, I'm pretty sure he'll-

(Y/N): I have a contract!

Contact: A contract? The hell?! You told me you worked for the Tribunal!

(Y/N): It's just a one time freelance thing! I do this, the hero gets paid with me and we bust up a crime ring. What's the downside there?!

Contact: A one time thing? With a girl who had a crush on you in middle school.

(Y/N): Oh come on! We nearly 30 years old! She's over it by now. So, just give me the intel I need and we're good.

Contact: I don't know. I really don't think this will work out to our-

(Y/N): Ech.

Contact: (Sighs) Fine. Rokku Prison.

You smirked and got to work. The following day, you drove down to Rokku prison to talk with the man in question. Ranki Moto. His only criminal offense prior to his arrest at the warehouse was a traffic accident. But regardless of that, you had a job to do. You showed a press pass and the contract from Ms. Joke and got inside. You walked down to the cellblock and let the guards open the door. You took a deep breath and began to walk down to the cell where Ranki was located.

Once you got to the cell, two guards took a few steps back as you took a seat. Inside, Ranki was laying on his bed, seemingly asleep. You looked at him and sighed again, trying to calm your nerves.

(Y/N): Ranki Moto. (He glanced towards you) I have a few questions for you.

Ranki: Piss off.

(Y/N): It shouldn't take more than a few moments of your time.

Ranki: Like I have somewhere to be.

(Y/N): Then you shouldn't have an excuse.

Ranki: Listen. I told you cops everything. What more do you want from-

(Y/N): I'm not a cop. I'm a reporter.

Ranki sat up and looked at you. He squinted his eyes a little so he could see you better. You showed him your press pass and he scoffed it off.

Ranki: Can't you just go to the cops for your story.

(Y/N): Well...this is something else. Something a bit more up your alley.

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now