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So, the news officially broke. Fuhai Gokuaku was arrested on corruption charges and tried. His sentence was life in prison for all those he wrongly delivered justice to and the thousands of agents he had under him working in different rings and frauds. Kobayashi got a lighter sentence compared to his boss with a minimum of 70 years. Neither got the chance of probation. Of course, some of the other mobsters and businessmen under Gokuaku's payroll were also arrested. Overall, his operation fell apart completely.

You were hailed as a public hero for breaking the story. News outlets wanted to talk to you, some low-level heroes praised you, but that was where most praise stopped. Public figures weren't much of a fan of a lowly journalist tumbling down a famed police chief and one who did do some public good. Otherwise, some also were arrested in association with the chief who was stopped, one including your editor. Your editor was rich enough to get a fantastic lawyer and got himself out of danger.

Since then, he's been using the tribunal as a way to smear your work and get you broke. The joy of being freelance was you got work everywhere, and that included online. But that's where some of the good end.

Your apartment was destroyed. Burned to a crisp when Gokuaku was hunting you down. There was very little, if anything, at all in there. Luckily your safe and firebox remained untouched so your financials were safe and some pictures of old relatives were too. You assumed whoever it was that was sent out there didn't bother with the game system you had in your bedroom since that was untouched but the TV was destroyed. But that was also a plus.

Ms. Joke had been wanting to move out of her apartment for weeks now. And since her apartment got busted into, it was the perfect time. That and the landlord evicted her too. So together you guys went on out and bought yourselves an apartment, something small but quant. Oh yeah, you and Joke started dating around a month or two after the whole break down of Gokuaku's operation. It was fun, and it...it just made you so happy and...it...that was all you could say on the matter.

She was happy with the romance, you were fine living together. Oh certainly, she still had some bad jokes and wasn't as clean as you once thought when you spent the first night at her home. She was also very controlling when it came to the temperature of the place. But aside from those two things, you both were making efforts to better yourselves to make the whole situation better for you guys. And for what it was worth, you guys were fine.

You were sitting at your desk, working on an article about All Might's retirement. That came as massive shock to you all, especially the fight with that all mighty villain. So, you were working on that. Joke was out at Kamino Ward, helping out with rescue to the best of her abilities. You looked over to the clock and sighed to yourself. 22:21. She was late. Really late. That's when the door finally opened into your apartment.

(Y/N): Hey. How was clean up?

Ms. Joke: Tired. Need sleep.

(Y/N): Oh, it wasn't that bad?

Ms. Joke: You want to lift several buildings off of people?

(Y/N): Ok, fair point. Anything else happen there?

Ms. Joke: Not much. Just more of the usual shin-dig. A couple here, a few elderly there. Again, same as the actual fight but hey, every little bit helps.

(Y/N): At least you're doing good. And that's what matters.

Ms. Joke: Eh. Tell that to the government who pays me.

(Y/N): You know what I mean. I mean, come on. You're saving lives. How is that not a good thing. Plus, you get paid for doing so.

Ms. Joke: I get paid to use my quirk professionally. That's not really the same thing.

(Y/N): You know what I mean.

Ms. Joke: I know, I know.

(Y/N): Hey, you're the self-proclaimed optimistic. So, start being optimistic about the situation.

Ms. Joke: I know. I know. Don't scold me.

You rolled your eyes and grew a smirk on your face. Joke walked over to you, wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you on the cheek and gave you a smile as she turned to look at your screen.

Ms. Joke: How has this been going?

(Y/N): It's going. Just need some more intel. That's all. Mostly from the big guy himself.

Ms. Joke: Good luck. No one's seen him since that morning. He said his piece and he left to parts unknown. I say submit it as is. Just some grammar checks and you're good. I wouldn't worry anymore about it.

(Y/N): You think so? I want this to the the best it can be.

Ms. Joke: Pretty sure it already is.

(Y/N): You really think that?

Ms. Joke: (Y/N), would I lie to you?

(Y/N): Well, you did lie about having any ice cream a couple weeks ago. So that broke my heart.

Ms. Joke: Thanks...just...

Joke shook her head and smile a bit as she walked back to the couch and sat down, laying across it and relaxing a little. You worked a little more on the article, checking for grammar mistakes and cleaning up a few things. Once you were done with that, you got up and walked back over to the couch and saw down beside Joke. She scooted herself over to you and laid her head down on your chest as you both watched some TV.

Flipping away from the news to some game-show and then to a fun anime series about children trying to assassinate their teacher, you both just sat in silence and waited for whatever came next on. You both sat there in some boredom on your faces as nothing truly stuck out to you guys. You turned to your girlfriend when she gave off an audible groan after 13 channels and still nothing good was on.

(Y/N): So...what now?

Ms. Joke: No idea. I'm at a lost.

(Y/N): Well, how is Ketsubutsu doing these days? Any heroes that could stomp people from UA?

Ms. Joke: A couple of them. One of my students think could easily top most students from UA no problem.

(Y/N): What are they like?

Ms. Joke: Nice kid. His quirk is vibration.

(Y/N): So, he can cause earthquakes if given enough space and time.

Ms. Joke: That he can.

(Y/N): Impressive.

Ms. Joke: Indeed he is.

(Y/N): Dinner?

Ms. Joke: Sure.

Dinner with you guys were normally small. And today was no exception. A simple bit of ramen here and there. You guys talked about your days which wasn't really much as it was just writing and clean up and that was that. After dinner, Emi and you just sat on down and decided to hang out a little. As mentioned before, your console had survived the break in and now it was center piece on your TV, you both playing a fighting game. It was basic and small, but it was a lot of fun.

But the game could only give you so much entertainment as after around a hour to a hour and half, you both were done with the game and back to being bored. So, you guys just stayed on the couch, cuddled up and looking out across the night sky.

Ms. Joke: So, what do we do now?

(Y/N): I have no idea. I just say we call it here or we'll be up for the next few hours and screw ourselves over in the long run.

Ms. Joke: Fair point. Did you get your article submitted.

(Y/N): Submitted before dinner. Nothing to worry about.

Ms. Joke: Just making sure. I'm going to get ready for the night.

Emi got off of the couch and walked back to your bedroom. Before she walked in, she turned around back to you and smiled.

(Y/N): What is it?

Ms. Joke: I love you.

You smiled at her as she kept up her own.

(Y/N): I love you too. 

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now