U Need Assistance

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After around a minute of waiting, the doors finally opened into UA. You looked to Joke and raised an eyebrow, asking what to do from here. Joke gave you a slight smile and walked on through the gates and up to the school. You sighed and glanced backward just to make sure you weren't being followed. Once you got a clear sight, you walked on into the campus and ran up to Joke to walk in pace with her. You glanced around as you both continued to walk forward to the main three doors of UA.

(Y/N): So..um...How do you know this guy exactly?

Ms. Joke: Our agencies used to be super close to each other. A lot of team-ups.

(Y/N): Oh, so the same thing happened to him then. That's why he became a teacher.

Ms. Joke: Oh, no. Midnight recommended him here, his best friend kinda died and he was depressed for a few months. You know, standard stuff really.

(Y/N): Oh....uh, well then. I'll be sure not to bring it up.

Ms. Joke: Good call. Plus, he gets really moody. Actually, I think he and you would make excellent friends.

(Y/N): Uh...thanks, I guess. How should I take that exactly?

Ms. Joke: You should take it well.

(Y/N): Ok then.

You both walked through the halls of UA until you saw a man in all black step out of a classroom. He turned you way and looked dead on the inside. Like someone woke him up at 3 AM, poured hot coffee on his face and told him to not make another mess. He walked over to you and Joke went full on spirit and hugged him almost. The man did not seem to want it at all as his eyes shot open like a train was about to take him.

Ms. Joke: It's good to see you again!

Eraser: Joke...let me go. Now.

Joke set him and gave him a big smile. She looked over at you as you walked over to the duo.

(Y/N): Hello. I am-

Eraser: (Y/N) (L/N). I know. I can read. It's a honor.

(Y/N): The honor's all mine. Joke said you could help us out a little.

Eraser: That all depends. What type of help do you need?

Eraser looked at you both, taking in the entire situation. You three had moved into a lounge and explained everything to him. You and Joke looked at him with somewhat pleading eyes, hopping he could find a solution. He stood up and looked over to you both.

Eraser: Publish the article now. Get it to as many sits as possible. Do whatever you can to spread the word. Send a copy to your editor too. Again, do whatever it takes!

Ms. Joke: And us?

Eraser: We're contacting other pros. Spreading the information around. Mostly here at UA. Get to work!

You nodded and went into UA's computer systems. You typed out the final bits of your work and called up different contacts, including your editor.

Editor: Wait, (Y/N), slow down. So, let me get this straight. You believe the chief of police runs a mob ring and-

(Y/N): I don't think, I know! I have evidence here! I have an article typed up! We can take him down, now!

Editor: That's great and all but without stable connections and-

(Y/N): His lawyer attacked me!

Editor: After you attacked him.

(Y/N): I didn't...Oh my....you work-

Editor: They are coming for you. Make this easy and give in already (L/N). Before we have to make this any more...difficult then it already is.

You hung up your cell and yelled to yourself as you slammed your head down onto the desk. You sighed to yourself as you just felt your entire world come crashing down. You felt a hand on your back, touching you softly. You turned your head to the side and saw Joke standing over you, softly soothing your muscles. You sighed and turned your head back down and looked away from her.

(Y/N): My editor is on his payroll. Meaning my main paper is out. So, we need to get in contact with others. How's your end been going?

Ms. Joke: Most of the pros here are willing to help. Although, not many of them are fully willing to go up against the police given the serious issues of the past few months here at UA. Still, we can try a bit.

(Y/N): So, I guess it's high time I finally thank you for all of this.

Ms. Joke: I mean, I did get you wrapped up in all of this. If anything I just gave you stockholm syndrome.

(Y/N): Well, nice to know you're full of joy. (Chuckles) Well, we can easily get in contact with other papers. I say we go for it.

Ms. Joke: Well, what are we waiting for?

You smiled and nodded. You went to different websites and emailed various different news outlets to find people who would take the story. And out of the 143 you contacted in the past 3 hours, 77 agreed. That was more than enough to help you guys out there. And the entire time, Joke was right by your side. So, when you sent the last email with the information, Joke tapped you on the shoulder and showed you that at least 4 news outlets had released the story to the papers and on TV.

(Y/N): He's exposed. His operation is crippled.

Ms. Joke: Not yet. We need to make sure everything is in order. Heroes need to see it. Judges need to see it and so do cops.

(Y/N): But it's out there! And that's what matters. Now we're up to 15. People are running with this story. Emi, we did it! We took him down!

Ms. Joke: Again, just let the heroes get work done.

(Y/N): I'm just excited. I just...wow. Do you think anyone will believe it?

Ms. Joke: Well, the fact that multiple news outlets are reporting it all around the same with with several pages worth of information and evidence, I say there is a high probability. Nice work. For a stuck up reporter.

(Y/N): Not to bad yourself for a joke of a hero.

Ms. Joke: Was that a pun? Oh God, now I have to worry about puns now.

(Y/N): You've got to now.

Ms. Joke: Nope. I refuse to do so!

(Y/N): You will! I have deemed it so!

Ms. Joke: So, what? You want to keep working together?

(Y/N): I don't see why not? I'm the brains, you're the brawn and we make a good team. Just keep giving me inside scoops on some cases and we can solve them together!

Ms. Joke: I doubt I'll be out in the field that often.

(Y/N): I mean, doesn't mean we have to go our separate ways.

Joke's eyes widen a bit as she slowly turned her head to you. You look at her with a slight smile as she returns it, only her's is much wider than yours.

Ms. Joke: (nods) I'd like that. I'd like that a lot.

(Y/N): So, now what?

Ms. Joke: Coffee?

(Y/N): (Shrugs) Works for me. Let's go.

You and Joke stood up and walked out of UA. Yes, there was still fear that the chief would come down upon you, but now that everything was out in the open, there was no way in hell he would be safe. By the time you had gotten your coffee and sat down, reports came in that both Kobayashi and the chief were arrested by All Might. So, you and Joke sat on down, had your coffee and just enjoyed the presence of one another.

A pretty good way to spend your day. Laughing all the way.

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now