Failed date

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You were already ready. You had a navy strapless dress with a black jacket on cause. Eh. Why the hell not. And vans. You were on the couch watching some animes as you waited for ichigo to come. Then you heard the a knock at the door. "Ichigo!" You said.
"Hey (y/n) sorry I was late. I had to take care of business..." He said as he scratched his head. "It's okay. I didn't even know you were running late. Shall we go?" You asked as you walked out and locked the door behind you.
"Uh? Yeah..." You noticed him acting nervous. 'Whats happening...' You thought. You decided to ignore it and not ruin the date. "So um... Where are we going?" You asked.
"I got reservations at this new restaurant that recently opened! I heard the food there is great." He said a little excited which was good.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
You guys just made it to the restaurant. Ichigo went inside to get everything set up while you waited outside. You were laying your back at the brick wall, humming a tune. When suddenly you hear a loud screeching noise. Which didn't sound human at all. You stood straight in alert and saw this... 'Creature' running towards you.
You ran into the alley as it tried jumping at you. Kind of crushing the wall you were on.
"What the hell are you?!" You shouted.
The creature kept quiet.
It stood up and started running towards you again. But it was faster this time.
You thought you were done for. As you stood there paralyzed as you closed your eyes. Waiting for the impact, but instead you felt blood spray on you...
You opened your eyes and saw ichigo in some sort of attire. Holding a huge ass sword! He has stab his sword through the creatures faces. Which had a mask.

The creature disappeared .
"What the hell-" but before you could finish he was walking away.
"Ichigo! Don't walk away! What was that! And how did you kill it so easily??" You finished. Full of questions.
He slowly turned around and faced you."you can see me..." He slowly said
"Yes I can you dumbass.! Now answer my questions!"
He sighed.
"I might as well tell you. That thing that was attacking you is called a hollow.
It was trying to eat your soul for some reason. " he explained.
"And I don't exactly kill it easily. I am a soul reaper. My job is to protect souls and kill the hollows. And as a soul reaper I have this sword called a zanpakutoū. Which is my weapon to kill the hollows with."
You nodded as you went over the information given to you. You were going to ask a question when you suddenly felt something hit your head. "I'm sorry (y/n)" you heard him whisper as darkness took over you.

You and Uryuu were drinking boba tea while walking to the mall. You guys
Were walking down the halls when you bumped into a guy. Who looked like Uryuu ... A lot. "I'm sorry!" You quickly said, but you doubt he heard you as you saw him and Uryuu have a starring contest.
Was all you heard so far.
"It's been a while son. Is the girl supposed to be your date? "
"Yes father"
You could feel the tension. You decided to leave, and they didn't even notice until Uryuu texted you 2 hours later apologizing.

You and renji were at the amusement park having a blast. You guys were about to ride the most scary ride you'd ever seen. Renji was the one to convince you to ride it with him. You made him promise to hold your hand. You were so freaking scared and nervous as you guys settled in your seats. The ride was about to begin when this red haired women ,with some strange attire, appear out of nowhere. Grab Renji by his hair and disappear again. You were trying to put the pieces together, but you suddenly snapped out of your thoughts as the ride dropped down a hill. You were holding in some tears As the ride went thought these weird obstacles/trail.
'Dammit Renji' you thought.

Grimmjow's idea of a date was a date in the club you work at. Where 'stuff' happens at the dance floor. Then all of a sudden this drunk guy falls on you. Which you gotta admit was 50 percent funny. You had a hella of a hard time getting the dude of you. You would've appreciated it if grimmjow helped you.
You soon figured that he was drunk. You didn't bother with the day and went back home with a pack of cigarettes. He later apologized. (Why not? If you don't want cigarettes. Change it to lollipops :))

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