Part 2 mofo!

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You went out to take a walk in the park since it snowed outside. Once you made it there you saw many children there building a snowman, having snow fights and especially skiing on the frozen lake. You were casually walking by the shore of the frozen lake

when suddenly you got hit by a huge snowball with a lot of force making you trip and fall, but you didn't fall on the floor. You bumped into someone who was skiing, you wiped the snow off your eye and noticed his teal eyes.he was also wiping snow off him. "Are your eyes natural?" You curiously asked.

He sighed before chuckling. "Yeah" he answered. He stood up and offered you his hand, which you accepted. You guys spent the whole afternoon talking and getting to know each other.

"Hey (name) do you wanna build a snowman?" He asked. It reminded you of a certain song. "Does it have to be a snowman?" You jokingly your surprise he responded. "It's doesn't have to be a snowman" you both laughed and met contact since.


You were going to your favorite play of all times that it's genres was humor.

Once you got there you sat down and waited for the play to start. What you didn't notice was a gray/white haired man sit next to you.

The play was started and you squealed in excitement as you sat straight to get a good view.

Once the play was over you stood up to leave, but accidentally spilled your soda on the guy. You kept apologizing over and over which made the man chuckle.

You grabbed some paper towels and cleaned the mess, and somehow you guys ended up talking about the play. You were surprised that this guy liked the play as much as you did. And you didn't find his smile or his closed eyes weird. You guys kept contact since then


You were buying some food at a local store, and it was empty to your surprise. " may I help you?" A voice said. You turned around and saw a guys with a green striped hat.

"No just came to buy some food. Why is it empty?" You curiously asked,

"It's always like this. Business is hard these days" you just nodded so he could know that you were listening.

You guys kept a pretty long conversation for you guys to exchange names. Since then you guys have kept contact.


You went to get interviewed for a job and was instantly rejected.

'Asshole' you thought. If it wasn't for the body guards he had you would've said more than that.

You exit the building and brushed your hands through your hair in frustration.

You turned around to begin walking, but bumped into someone and spilled coffee on you.

"What the fvck" you whispered.

"My apologies " the person said. You looked up and saw a blonde male. "Yeah yeah." You said as you continued walking. I your surprise he grabbed your wrist and offered if you wanted to go get some coffee as a apology. " you're not gonna spill it on me again?" You joked. He shook he's head " no" you accepted and since that day you guys kept contact.


You were at a music store buying the new album of linking park. (Or any singer/band of your choice (^ω^))

You were in a long line. You almost fell asleep which caused you to fall back, but to your surprise someone caught you. "Wow, you must've been in line for a long time" the person said.

You gained balance and yawned. "Yeah. 2 days for this album" "whoa" he said in awe. "Yep, that's how much I want the album" you guys kept talking about the band/ singer you guys loved and exchange names and numbers. And kept contact since then.


You went to get a haircut. Your hairstylist was absent so you got a guy instead. You were kinda afraid that the guy would mess the haircut up, but hid your emotions. "You won't ruin my haircut right?" Asked. "Darling. I'm a professional hairstylist. I'm amazing so I doubt I'll mess up" he said.

'Cocky bastard' you thought, you caught a glimpse on his name tag and saw his name. Once he was done you looked at your new haircut and decided to bother the heck out of him. "My hair?!" You cried. "The sides are not parallel!" Yumichika's proud smile turned into a scowl. "What?! Your haircut looks perfect!" He argued "sheesh I was kidding!" You said. "So was I" he responded

"What?!" You panicky shouted. He laughed which made you laugh as well. You guys kept contact since then.


You were fixing a car at the mechanics. The cars motor kept spent hours fixing it. The owner came back expecting it to be all fixed up, but it wasn't. " your not done?" He simply said " I'm sorry sir cars don't magically get fixed with some screwdrivers"

"Hmm" was all he said as he sat down.

You kinda got annoyed, but kept fixing the motor and the rest of the cars problem. "You know that you just have to unscrew the motors too to fix the insides. You totally forgot about that. "then why don't you do that?" You asked as you kept fixing the cars other problems.he shrugged.

Somehow you guys stater talking about different car types and car pieces that were amazing. You exchanged names and Kept contact since then.

Bleach boyfriend sceneriosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora