Chapter 16

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Yashiro keeps tapping her pen on the desk. Class is not her focus. Not at all.
Hanako kun will be awake now. He should be.
It's 10 minutes to 3:30 but very minute has been passing by awfully slow, or so she felt like it. Questions have been filling her head instead of anything school related.
But what if he's not awake? What if he never wakes up and-
Sensei:"You may be dismissed-"
Aoi:"Nene chan do you want to-"
Yashiro:"Sorry Aoi, I can't stay!" She says quickly, throwing her things into her bag with no consideration of whether they'll be safe or not, and rushing out the door.
Akane:"A-Aoi chan, lets walk home together instead." He says eagerly all while watching Yashiro essentially fly out.
Akane:"Wha-!? You're serious!?"
Aoi:"Nene chan has been busy these days so why not."She brushes her fingers through her hair appearing quite disappointed though.
Akane:"Oh. Yeah she has." He scratches his arm. "Because of him..."
Aoi:"Because of who?"
Akane:"Nope, I'm talking to myself. Let's go."
"Tsuchigomori sensei!" She shouts as soon as she reaches the library causing him to drop his books and Yako to hide.
Tsuchigomori:"Priestess, you could learn how to come in here quietly next time, this is a library after a-"
Yashiro:"Hanako kun. Is he awa-"
Hanako:"Yashiro?" He says, sitting atop a desk.
Yashiro:"Hana-ko..." Her eyes well up with tears.
He's fine.
Hanako:"What's wrong?"
Yashiro hasn't any time to reply, instead she runs up to him and practically throws herself onto him in a hug , her face hidden in his chest.
Hanako:"Wait!" He blushes with his hands in the air.
Yashiro:"I'm glad, I'm so glad!" She sobs.
Hanako:"Yashiro..." He pats her back gently.
Tsuchigomori:"No.7 sama, aren't you lucky to have such a caring priestess?" He huffs.
Yashiro:"You...I'm very angry with you Hanako kun." She pouts lifting her head up.
Yashiro:"Why didn't you tell me you were tired? I was scared. So scared, you don't even understand." She rests her head on his shoulder.
"Don't do that again...ever." She sniffles.
"Promise me."
Hanako:"Yashiro calm down-"
Yashiro:"You have to make it up to me." She says strictly.
Hanako:"What do you mean?"
Yashiro:"Tomorrow, spend the whole day with me." She says stubbornly.
Hanako:"Eh? That sounds a bit erotic." He smirks.
Yashiro:"T-TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!" She blushes grabbing by the collar.
Hanako:"Okay, okay!" He surrenders.
"So, what do you mean then?" He blushes too.
Yashiro:"I want to keep an eye on you for one day because, because I'm still feeling overwhelmed, just so that I can make sure you're fully healed."
Hanako:"Yashiro, I obviously can't do that."
Yashiro:"You told me that when I'm scared, I could come to you and you'd do something about it." She pouts.
"Are you going against your word?"

Hanako:"Yeah but-"
Yashiro:"But nothing." She releases him and puts her hands on her hips.
"Listen, tomorrow stay with me in class." She mumbles.
Yashiro:"I was really scared you know reassure me just...for one day just-"

Hanako sighs.
"Okay Yashiro."
Yashiro hugs him again, causing him to flush all the way up to his ears.
Tsuchigomori:"Pfft, priestess you're about the only one who gets him in that state."

Yashiro:"Eh? What state?" She faces Tsuchigomori.

Hanako:"Nothing. Ignore him." He grumbles.
"Tsuchigomori sensei, don't make me have to make spider udon." He smiles threateningly.

Tsuchigomori:"Yeah, yeah."

The young exorcist enters not long afterwards.

Kou:"Hanako!" His eyes widen and he almost trips himself up on air itself.
Hanako:"Ah shounen."
Kou:"I-" He half smiles.
Yashiro:"Kou kun was worried about you Hanako kun; We both were."
Hanako:"Is...that so?"
Hanako:"What a shame that we didn't get to do the tanabata festival..." He says glumly.
Kou:"Don't be so serious about it Hanako! We could always do it another time."
Hanako:"Then tomorrow!"
Yashiro:"Isn't that a bit too fast?"
Hanako:"What's fast about it?"
Yashiro:"I mean you've been up for how long?"
She query's.

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