Kou couldn't really think of a way to break the awkward silence between Yashiro and himself so the only thing that could be heard was occasional sweeps, that is until the choppy haired boy bursts through the door.
Hanako:"I'M BACK!" He shouts, floating over to Yashiro and clinging onto her.
Kou:"Took you long enough Hanako. What was taking you so long?"
Yashiro becomes attentive too.
Hanako:"Oh you two, I got lost in the conversation with Tsuchigomori-you know how old men could be." He scoffs jokingly.
Hanako:"Anywho, I have something else that I need to say!"
Kou:"Go ahead."
Hanako:"Look at this!"
Hanako pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from his side pocket, straightens it out and holds it in front of Kou's face; Yashiro leans in closer to inspect it.
He skims his way through the writing, holding his chin.
Hanako:"That's right!" He spins around excitedly.
Yashiro:"Hanako kun, what about comets?"
Hanako:"Well, there is supposed to be one on Friday at about 8pm so I thought we could all watch it together! What do you think?"
He beams, his face rosy with thrill.
Yashiro:"I don't mind. It could be fun, right Kou kun?" She sweetly swings her head to face him.
Kou:"It...can't be helped I guess." He smiles.
Yashiro:"You're that excited?" She giggles while resuming her sweeping again.
Hanako clears his throat.
Hanako:"Also you guys can leave early for today, okay?"
It was unusual how his mood switched so quickly.
Yashiro:"Hanako kun?"
Hanako:"What? I'm being nice." He grins....
Kou was distracted. Lately his mind has been all over the place.
Senpai's life, Hanako's mood, the random times that Hanako would leave. Even the fact that Mitsuba couldn't remember him. Most importantly was Hanako really going to see Tsuchigomori? Maybe he should find out. But that would make him seem like an untrustworthy friend.
He held his head down, as he descended into the corridors.
Kou:"For senpai's sake I'll-"
Kou snaps out of it and turns around to see the person calling.
"Nii chan?"
Teru:"Why're you so immersed in thought Kou?" he query's resting his hand on his little brothers head.
Kou huffs.
"It's nothing I just-"
Actually he probably shouldn't say anything. Bringing up anything to do with apparitions would definitely make the mood sour.
Teru's face instantaneously becomes dark though; It's a tad bit scary in fact.
Kou:"N-Nii chan?"
Teru:"So it has something to do with that filthy apparition doesn't it?"
It was as if he read his mind.Kou gulps.
"N-no it's nothing to do with Hana-I mean an apparition."
Teru eyes him suspiciously and sighs, softening his expression.
"Fine, I'll trust you." He says walking away.
"But remember this: if I have to, I'll get rid of him myself and also, don't rely on that guy-he can't be trusted."
Kou didn't know what to say so stood there speechless and dumbfounded.
His worries kept piling on and he felt like there was nothing he could do about it.
Despite not wanting to admit it, he wanted to protect Hanako too. But, should he trust his brothers words or Hanako's?Kou:"Perhaps I really should go see spider sensei."
Kou turns around and runs in the opposite direction, making his way to the library.
He'd just ask a few questions and leave it at that.
Kou:"Spider sensei!" He shouts once he reaches the opening of the library, panting heavily with his hands on his knees.
Tsuchigomori huffs.
"Why are you here boy? I can't be bothered to deal with any more brats today." he yawns while skimming through some books.
Tsuchigomori rolls his eyes.
"Tch. Fine make it quick, what do you want?" He folds his arms with a pipe in one hand.
Kou catches his breath.
"It's about Hanako."
Tsuchigomori:"The honourable no.7 huh?"
Kou:"Has he been coming to visit you recently?"
Tsuchigomori:"That's right." He responds while waving smoke away with his pipe.
Kou felt a sense of relief. So Hanako wasn't lying to Yashiro and him after all.
Tsuchigomori:" Now if you're finished-"
Kou:"What has he been talking about spider sensei!?"
Tsuchigomori tuts.
"What a pain." He rubs his head irritatedly.
"Nothing important, he just comes here to annoy me and be selfish."
Tsuchigomori claps his hands.
"Bye bye!" He says facetiously.
Kou:"Thanks spider sensei!" He bows before running off again.
Tsuchigomori:"It's just sensei!" He shouts as the boy leaves.
Yako:"So?" the small fox-like creature peeks from around from the corner of the book shelves.
"Did you have to lie to him?"
Tsuchigomori:" It wasn't a lie stupid fox, it was 90 percent true."...
In the shadows were a group of four. One newly added:Mitsuba.One in some ways similar, but also a polar opposite to Hanako:Tsukasa.
We're they rivals? I guess you could say that.The mature one, who seems cold at first glance but is surprisingly logical:Sakura.
And finally, the one who was entranced with the stone hearted, green haired girl and practically a puppet to his master:Natsuhiko.
Tsukasa:"There's something I want to do!" He sings while tormenting any little creature crossing his way.
Sakura:"When is there something you don't want to do." She says with annoyance.
Tsukasa:"Ehhh? But you'll help me, won't you Sakura!?" He exclaims, embracing her.
Sakura rolls her eyes.
"I can't say no anyway."Tsukasa:"Bingo!" He pokes the side of his cheeks.
"After all, you're the most useful one here."
He lets go."Ah but don't get me wrong you two! I need your help too. This is going to be a tincy bit difficult to do on my own."
Mitsuba and Natsuhiko eye him suspiciously.
Tsukasa:"I'm really impatient buuuuut, this sort of plan takes long to develop."
Sakura:"It's unusual for you to consider a plan that takes long to progress." She says while sipping on tea.
Tsukasa:"You know what they say:"Good things come to those who wait!" He lectures.
Natsuhiko:"Ehhh. I'm proud of you chibi."
Tsukasa giggles at the praise.
Mitsuba:"Ugh...I don't want to get involved."

Keep on living dear
Fanfiction*CONTAINS MANGA SPOILERS* Manipulation, lying, fear. After Yashiro Nene becomes aware that her life is coming to an end, the trio struggle with how they should continue acting. On top of that, Hanako has been keeping secrets and disappearing out of...