Chapter 1

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Bakugou POV:

Waking up to screaming, I've decided, sucks ass


"It's over on my rock Jirou, you don't have to be such a grump. Also keep your voice down please, if you wake Bakugou up he's gonna be mad..." well he's got one thing right

"Mad? TRY PISSED DUNCE-FACE!" I snarl, Autotune manages to hold back a snicker and Kaminari goes pale and attempts to play it off

"Oh! H-hey Blasty? Sleep well I hope?" He utters, his nervous smile gives him away,

"Yeah ya know, it was almost perfect. At least until some idiot pissed off his girlfriend and started a shouting match." I snap, allowing my pissy mood to seep into my voice a little bit. Damn it I was really looking forward to sleeping in a little bit

"Hey that's not fa-" Dunce-face starts, but Jirou cuts him off

"I AM NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!" Autotune shouts, practically shaking with rage,

"Yeah whatever you say, now that I'm up I might as well check the surface. Do me a favor Autotune, keep Dunce-face down here for now. I don't want to have to save his ass again if at all possible." Jirou rolls her eyes at me, as I propel myself forward towards the surface. Rising to the surface takes almost no time at all. I almost use my powerful tail to break the surface. Almost. Upon hearing voices chattering above, I decide to stop and listen. What do these fuckers want?

"Are you sure this is where you saw him?" Mystery voice number one asks

"Yeah man, I mean he was super pretty. I don't think I could have imagined that." Mystery voice number two responds, who the fuck are they talking about?

"Kirishima! Now is not the time to be gay! We're trying to save lives here, you can be gay later ok?" The first voice responds

"That's not it! I was just saying objectively! I would never, that's not manly at all!" I've heard enough, just who the hell are these people?

"OI! Who are you asshats? What are you doing here?" I shout, pushing my upper body out of the water, glaring at the three newcomers. The first one I notice is a man, long black hair and some facial scruff, wearing a black robe-like outfit. The next person I see is a female. Brown hair in a short style, she's wearing a robe similar to the scruffy dude, but a maroon-pink-magenta color. The third person of the group is definitely the most eye catching, if not for the bright spiky red ass hair, then the absurd lack of clothing. If I wasn't a mer I probably would have averted my eyes completely. A redhead dude wearing nothing but a baggy red/black skirt shorts thing and sleeves that connect across the top of his chest. Absolutely disgraceful, who in their right mind wears those monstrosities. They all had matching painted expressions of astonishment, jaws somewhat slack and eyes wide. I scoff, stop fucking staring I get it, I'm amazing.

"Hey assholes, are you gonna keep ogling me or actually make yourselves useful and answer my god damn questions?" I snark. The older male regains his composure first,

"I'm sorry, we were looking for you actually, I'm Shouta Aizawa. We wanted to offer you a place among our safe haven for magical creatures like yourself." Now I was the one with the incredulous expression, and then I laugh

"So you're telling me that you're trying to help me? You're humans, greedy and selfish. You'd sell me for my tail the moment you get me out of this water. No way in hell am I gonna go with a couple of you extras." The man, Aizawa, doesn't look surprised, but the other two are in shock.

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