First Impressions

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--no one

"Hello students! Today I would like to introduce our new student Josh Barren!" Ms. Bustier exclaimed

Marinette's POV

A boy with bright blue eyes and light brunette hair entered the room. He was fit and extremely handsome as well. Almost Adrien level...

He scanned the room. When his gaze landed on me I blushed a bit but he just looked angry.

I shook it off and joined the class in welcoming Josh.

Adrien's POV

As soon as this guy walked into the room, I could tell he was going to be a stuck up jerk.

He gave me a nasty glare which made me growl under my breath.

"Woah dude, was that a growl?" Nino whispered, nudging my arm.

"No. I was just clearing my throat." I hissed back glowering at Josh.

I could tell the hate between us was already forming.

Josh's POV

I walked into the classroom and scanned the croud.

My eyes stopped on this blue haired girl. She looked annoying, so I just shot her a nasty glare and moved right down the line.

The next stop was two boys. A blonde and a brunette. The blonde was a model I recognized from a magazine. He stared at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

Why? Maybe he was envious of my looks.

Unphased, I happily returned the evil glare, at which he just rolled his eyes.


Lunchtime came and I wandered around the cafeteria, trying to determine the best place to sit.

I looked up to see the annoying girl approching me. I scrunched up my nose.

Her kind smile faltered only for a seco d before she began to speak.

"Hey Josh! I'm Marinette! Me and my friends want to know if you would like to sit with us?" She said.

She was too nice. No one liked those kind of girls...especially not me. I was already stressed and I may have acted up a bit with my response...

"No dumbass, who'd wanna sit with your friends?! Their probably trash just like you." I spat. I shoved her out of the way, her lunch tray flying to the ground.

A little much, but she seemed like a tough girl. She could handle it, right?

Marinette's POV

Alya came running to my aid and helped me back to the lunch table.

I rubbed my wrist that was in quite a bit of pain.

"What happened Marinette? Are you alright?" Adrien asked kindly.

"Jo-." Alya began to tell Adrien what happened, but I didn't want to ruin the cheerful vibe at the table.

"I just fell. You know me!! Uh...miss clumsy!" I lied.

Alya looked at me concerned, but then quickly got where I was going with this and played along.

"You should be more careful next time Mari. You could be hurt." Adrien added.

"Thanks Adrien, I will." I muttered the last part roughly and quietly glaring at Josh from across the café.

What a jerk.

she is mine. ✧ yandere adrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now