First Kiss/Punch

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Marinette's POV

Confusion paralyzed my as he contonued to kiss me.

I suddenly snapped back into reality and slapped him across the face, "How dare you! Was this just a plot to steal my first kiss along with ALL of my self esteem Josh? Was it?! Because if so... Congrats! You did it!" I started crying, then ran to my room.

I sobbed into my pillow. What is happening?


I sulked into school, black circles under my eyes and running mascara still stained my skin.

"Girl, what are you doing here? Who did this?" Alya asked me, lookong very concerned.

"I have to be here." I stated and pulled my backpack onto my lap. I took out my homework and my pink pencil case.

The lesson was long and probably took the last of my mental energy.


My eyes widened in horror as Josh came over to the lunch table where all my friends sat.

Nononononono! Please no!

"What do you want Josh?" I spat. Adrien gave me a confused look, since he had no idea what happened between me and Josh the first day.

"Just wanted to let you know, you have a stain on your shirt!" He said and smirked slyly.

"Where?!" I blurted, eyes darting to my shirt.

He spilled his choclate milk all over me, which devoured my plain white shirt.

"Oops." He laughed.

I could see Adrien's eyes filling with rage.

"Josh! What the hell! You kissed me!" I screamed at his face. His face went pale as all of the cafeteria turned towards us.

Adrien's face only got more and more red. He looked like a bomb about to explode on Josh at any second.

"W-whatever! You are so retarded that you are imagining things that never happened!" He made up, laughing his head off.

What an asshole

Adrien slammed his fist down at on thr table and shot up, making Josh jump.

"Stay away from her!" He yelled, pointing at his chest.

"What are ya gonna do about pretty boy? You wanna fight?" Josh asked sarcastically, crossing his arms across her chest.

Adrien sighed and sat down. Josh snickered then procedded to walk away.

Suddenly, he turned his head back to our table, and winked at me, "Try a different outfit next time sweetie. That one makes you look...whats the right word?...oh yeah! Fat!" He laughed.

"That's it!" Adrien yelled. He got up and threw a punch right at Josh's face. He elbowed him in the stomach and pushed Josh to the ground.

"That should do the trick." Adrien seethed coming back to his seat.

My eyes widend. A million thoughts filled my mind.

Am I fat? Why is Adrien so mad? I thought I was just a friend?

Adrien put a hand on my shoulder, snapping my out of my daze. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize I was crying.

I looked up at him and hid my face in my arms.

Adrien crouched down next to me and tilted my chin up to look at him.

"Marinette don't listen to him. You are amazing, talented, and beautiful." He assured me.

I jumped at him and sobbed into his shoulder.

Everyone else at the lunchtsble was just staring in shock.

What. The. Flip. Is. Happening?

Thats probably what they were thinking, becausr thats what I was thinking too.

she is mine. ✧ yandere adrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now