Book 1 Ch 1: The Avatar Returns

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It has been a few years since Iroh and I accompanied Zuko on his request to find the Avatar and regain his honor blah, blah, blah. The guy the love of my life but I've that excuse this whole trip. Over the years, Zuko had changed and become colder yet there are moments when we are alone and his hair is out of that god awful ponytail and he lets me run my fingers through it that reassures me that my Zuko is still himself. He's just lost and still hurting from the pain of his father banishing him along with the never-ending wonder of what happened to his mother. So, I'll be patient with him because I love him, but I really hope we find the Avatar, so I don't have to hear anymore of his 'regain my honor' speeches.

Currently, Iroh and I were playing a tile game with a nice cup of Jasmine tea on the side while Zuko stared off into the distance waiting. It was then a huge beam of light shoots itself into the sky alarming Zuko, who quickly spun around to face us.

"Lydia, Uncle, do you know what this means?" He asked pointing to the ray.

"That we won't get to finish our game?"

"That the Earth farts laser beams?" I innocently answered, evening a chuckle from my father figure and a scowl from my lover.

"Lydia no." He rejected, making a dramatic turn back to the light. "It means my search is over because that light must have come from a power source like the Avatar."

"Or it's just the celestial lights." Iroh suggested, "Prince Zuko, I don't want you get too excited over nothing. So, please sit and have some nice calming Jasmine tea."

"I don't need any calming tea!" Zuko snapped, causing Iroh and I to share a look that meant the boy obviously need that calming cup of tea. "I need to capture the avatar." He looked up behind us to order his men. "Helmsmen, head a course for the light."

And so here we go, down this road again for a possible lead to the Avatar but I have a feeling this time will be different. What isn't different is Zuko's stubborn moods as I listened in on Iroh scolding his nephew needing to rest if he was going to face the Avatar which was something his grandfather and great-grandfather tried and failed in doing. The older man sighed walking back in after the fire prince's refusal to sleep.

"Looks like we need to send in our secret weapon." Iroh told the guards, giving me a gentle smile. "Lydia if you don't mind."

"I don't mind Papa." I said, walking up behind Zuko. "Zuko it's almost night fall, don't you think it's time to get ready for bed?"

"Go on without me." Was his response caused me to huff in frustration as I walked closer to him and tugged on his sleeve. He spun around to shoo me away again only to come face to face with my puppy-dog blues and pouty lips. It was an expression he could never say no to growing up and he still couldn't say no to it. "Fine." He dragged out.

"Yay!" I cheered, pulling him to our shared room. Changing into our sleep clothes, we settled into our bed with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped protectively around my waist.

"Goodnight Lydia." He kissed my forehead before we drifted off to dreamland.


The next morning Iroh and I sat to the side observing Zuko's fire bending practice since he was preparing himself for when he meets the Avatar.

"No! Power and fire bending comes from the breath, not the muscle." Iroh interjected. "The breath becomes energy in the body and that energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire." He demonstrated with the correct stance and punching the air to release fire. "Get it right this time."

"Enough." Zuko huffed, matching his way to his uncle. "I've been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set because I'm more than ready."

"No, you're being impatient, and you have yet to master your basics." He said, taking his seat. "Drill it again!"

At this Zuko of course went into tantum mode and kicked a ball of fire so strong it threw a muscular guard off his feet. "The sages tell us that the Avatar is the last airbender." He emphasized, getting in Iroh's face. "He must be over 100 years old by now and has had a century to master the 4 elements. I'll need more than the basics to defeat him so you will teach me the advanced set!"

Iroh frowns at his nephew, "Fine I will but first I must finish my roasted duck-" he turns to the side to retrieve it only to find me munching on it.

"Sorry." I mumbled, swallowing my mouth full of food, and giving them a nervous smile. "I got hungry watching Zuko being bratty."

Zuko just rolled his eyes at the 'bratty' comment, reaching out to wipe the remaining grains of rice from the edges of my lips. "Someone get Lydia something to eat!" He ordered one of the guards.

"And bring me another bowl of roasted duck!" Iroh shouted after him. "In the meantime, let's start the next set."


"Brr, it's chilly out here." I said, rubbing my arms as I walk out of the warm ship to find Zuko staring through a telescope at something.

Upon hearing my complaints, his golden eyes widen-eyed with concern. "Lydia, I told you not to come out here without the proper clothing." He scolded, pulling off his cloak to put it on my freezing form. "Why are you out here anyways?"

"I woke up from my nap and forgot to put anything on."

"So, your immediate thought was to look for me?" He questioned, blushing as I hummed a 'yes' while nuzzling my face in neck. The cold of my skin sending shivers down his spine. He smiled softly but it was quickly replaced with a scowl seeing the guard standing there. "What are you doing! Go wake my uncle up and tell him that I found the Avatar!" He scared them off to find his uncle.

"Wait, you really found the Avatar?" I asked, looking at him in surprise.

"Of course, I did." He scoffed. "I will admit he is quite agile for his age."

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous?"

"Because he's the Avatar meaning it could be dangerous to go up against him."

"I laugh in the face of danger." He cockily proclaimed but sighed seeing it not bringing me any reassurance. "I'll be careful. I promise."

"I believe you." I pecked his lips. "But I'm still coming with you."

"Wait what? No, you aren't!" Zuko protested, following me into the ship and up to the captain's control station.

"Oh yes I am. Knowing you, you'll try getting answers with aggression first." I said, "You should let me, a calm and patient individual do the questioning."

He rolls eyes at me, with his arms crossed. "My men will never agree to that."

I rose a brow at him in an 'oh really' manner, before pressing the button on the loud speak for the soldier on the front deck to hear me. "Hi fellas!" I cheerfully waved to them from the window receiving waves back. "I would just like to know if anyone objects to the idea that I, an adorable and smiley person, speaks in a calm manner first compared to my handsome but grump and harsh boyfriend, who's temper will make things difficult." The soldier didn't even have to thing about it as they all gave me the thumbs up that they were cool with me speaking first. "Thank you!" I said, smirking at Zuko's disbelief. "Close your mouth, honey you'll chase flies." I sassed, closing it for him.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me back into his chest. "That's a dirty trick you just played, Dear." He hissed the pet name as his lips grazed my neck.

"Well, maybe if you were as cute as me the crew would like you more." I giggled, squealing when he pinched my sides.

"You are the only person who can be cute Lydia."

"I'm glad we both know the truth, now you need to get your armor on." I said dragging him to our room, which he easily let me with one of those rare smiles that he only gave to me. My heart flustering at the site of it on his beautiful scarred face.

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