12 in the fikking morning

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  • Dedicated to gia

lester was borrowing a cheese grater that he shoved up a deep hole in the mushrroom kingdom and killed his oly sex slave. He cried and he ejaculated everywhere. Tamashi then walked up dressed in a bikini and a tellitubbies thong. He hit Lester on the ass with his baton made of dic sandwiches and cucumber. Lester moaned out "Noodles and gravy~~~~~~~~~~~."

Mr.Goku walked up and kicked Tamashi giving him access to the chicken that was lesters hand made peepee. Goku seductively said "i kno that you thirst for DIS BOMB DIKKKKKKKKK" There was jizz in lesters ear that smkelled like waxy water soda that had been very salty because Gokus sweet ass had done a total 360 loop with his skateboard, a metaphorical skateboard that was really Tamashis sweaty ochinchin crying out for pink seagull vag that felt like seven billion vibrators with small razors.

Tamashi came so hard that he felt killing somebody with his shit, warm mexican shits with little hairs and majestic pubes. He looked at him, eyes longing for a taste of severed rectums to be around, because to live is to sever.

The end

*breaks into song*

That's the moral

That's the end

To sever is to live my frieeeeend


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