Chapter 14 : My boy

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Before this chapter begins, I wanted to thank you, yes you, reader. You help me go through the bad times I'm living right now, even if you're not aware of it.
Merci du fond du cœur ! ❤️


  Loud noises of messy eating can be heard in the kitchen of the Kujoh residence.

- You sure have a great appetite !" Holly says with an angelic smile.

- I love cherry pie !"

  Holly giggles as she hears the redhead babbling, his mouth full of cherry pie.

- So... here's the plan for our operation Mom Kakyoin rescue : we're going to go to your house and I'll ask to see your mother, pretending to be her friend. When she is out of the house, you're going to show yourself, making her understand that we mean no harm, and then we will fully concentually kidnap her. Of course, we will hide the number plate of the car, it would be a shame if we got arrested before I can contact the speedwagon foundation !

- Seems like a reasonable plan...but the word kidnap isn't really appropriate here..." Kakyoin says finishing his mouth full of pie.

- Oh ! You're right ! We will take her here. Sounds more normal and less creepy !" Holly laughs nervously.

  Kakyoin joins Holly, laughing at her remark. The blonde mother is surprised to see the redhead acting so normal and not miserable after what happened to him. She can't help but ask herself how can he still smile so bright and laugh so freely.

- Kakyoin, how do you feel ?" She asks.

-I'm fine, Why are you asking ?

- I'm just surprised by how well you're taking this whole situation...most people would be feeling so down and not expressing their distress, just bottle it up. But, you just smile, you laugh even if you just tried to...kill yourself a few seconds ago. And for what happened with your father." Holly says her face as serious as her tone.

- I think it's because I have something to fight for and people that I can trust. It helps a lot. Jotaro is caring with me, I love him so much...I just realized how hurt would Jotaro be if you didn't stop me from killing myself. I'm the worst...I'm so selfish..." Kakyoin stoped eating, his appetite erased. 

- Don't say that ! How you reacted was perfectly human, besides you are alive ! It's all in the past now ! And you are not selfish my boy ! Stop putting yourself down like that !" She smiles warmly, reassuring the redhead. "Anyways, we need to get going, your mother is not going to free herself magically."

- You're right, we should go right now." Noriaki gets up from his seat, leaving an unfinished cherry pie on the table.

- Oh and, Miss Holly ?" Kakyoin suddenly says.

- Yes, What is it my boy ?" She asks with a kind smile.

- Jotaro knows what happened with my father. And I have no idea how he hasn't gone and kicked his ass yet..." Kakyoin looks down, his tone serious and sincere.
" I regret not telling him as soon as I could... I didn't want him to go against another stand user so soon after our trip to Egypt. But now I realize how stupid this is. My mother is in Great danger. I shouldn't be caring about Jotaro so much when he proved so many times that he's strong enough to handle pretty much anyone."

" Don't be so harsh on yourself and let's go. Your mother awaits rescuing."

  Kakyoin is so glad that Holly is here for him. Without her, he wouldn't probably know Jotaro. Without her he wouldn't have went on that adventure to Egypt with Jotaro. Without her, he would have been dead right now.

Time Traveling star (Jjba fanfic Jotaro x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now