The Violinist (Jem x Tessa)

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The clock that hung above the door ticked loudly, 1:57pm it read. Tessa tapped a pen against her knee and waited for class to end. Classical music class. It wasn't available at every school but it was at there's. It wasn't that Tessa necessarily hated it, she loved music and the talent that it required to play, she just had none of that said talent. It all seemed to have gone to her friend, Jem. After moving into the institute a few weeks prior, due to her circumstances, she found she was always surrounded by the music Jem played. When she had difficulty sleeping at night she always listened to Jem play. Whether it was from her bedroom or down the hallway. He'd even caught her a few nights and invited her into his room to listen. Tessa felt like she'd known Jem all her life.

Tessa was taken away from her thoughts when Jem poked her in the stomach with his violin bow. Tessa lowered her instrument of choice onto her lap, Also the violin. "Sorry, I got lost in thought." She paused for a brief moment before speaking once more. "Again." Jem offered Tessa a weak smile, the clock ticked once again and now read 2:27pm. "It's not that I get bored, it's just- so complicated? I don't understand how you do it." Jem rotated his body so he was now fully facing Tessa. His eyes seemed to rest on Tessa's lips. "It takes practice, you need to keep trying." He poked her in the nose with his violin bow. She watched him smile once more, Tessa felt her face heat up. Ever since Tessa had arrived Jem had been nothing but kind to her, Especially when Will had not. The bell rang, She watched as her fellow students rose from their seats and grabbed their things. "C'mon, Tess. You've already missed the bus twice this week. Charlotte wouldn't be happy if that turned to three." Jem held out his hand for her to grab. She gratefully took it and pulled herself to her feet. They exited their classroom, making their way past fellow students. "I know I've said this before, but, I think I'm going to fail." Jem squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Nonsense! Trust me, You're better than a lot of the others. Unlike you, They just want to pass, they put no effort into what they're doing." Tessa unlocked her locker and shoved a few textbooks and binders into her bag. She now wore a frown on her face. "Jem, The exams about three weeks away." There was now a silence between the two, Jem began packing his things as well. She knew that she had killed his spirits, but it seemed impossible to learn an instrument in such a short period of time. She closed the door and turned to Jem who now had a grin plastered on his face. "I have an idea, If you're really worried about your overall mark. And the exam." Tessa placed her hands on her hips, still frowning. "What's the idea?" Jem slung his backpack over his shoulders and began walking. Tessa quickly followed, he seemed to be quicker than her. "I help you with the violin, and some theory of course, and you." He paused and got on the bus, He greeted the driver before sitting down. He patted the empty seat next to him. "Help me with my essay writing, please-" Tessa bit her lip. "I need the help, Of course."

The clock struck 11:30pm. Tessa had been waiting for the perfect moment to meet with Jem, Finally everyone had fallen asleep. Besides Will who had decided to go for a late night walk. Tessa quickly grabbed her binder and violin before running down the hallway. The floorboards creaked beneath her. She made it to Jem's door, it wasn't far from hers. "Jem." she whispered. The door was shut, and she didn't want to knock  in fear that she'd awaken the whole household. Jem opened the door and stood there in his pyjamas. She felt a wave of shyness washing over her. Both Tessa and Jem locked eyes, causing this time, Jem, to blush. "Come in, we don't want to get caught." Tessa nodded and hurried into the bedroom, she closed the door behind herself. "Would you like to use my violin?" He whispered. He removed the violin from its case. Tessa was surprised. Jem's violin seemed to be his prize possession. "Wait, Are you sure?" He nodded "I trust you, You're gentle. I know how you are." She began to feel butterflies forming in her stomach. He handed her the violin and showed her how to hold it. His hands were warm and surprisingly smooth against her skin. Jem lifted the violin so Tessa was able to rest her chin on the chin rest. "This is so awkward-" She realized how that sounded, "Not you! Not us! Just- the holding-" Her face turned beet red. For some reason she felt suddenly extremely nervous, with his arms now around her torso. Jem chuckled "You're doing fine. Try to play some chords." Tessa plucked a few of the strings with the bow. It sounded similar to when Will stepped on Churches tail, and the aftermath that would soon follow. Tessa felt jems hot breath against her neck. "I sound absolutely dreadful!" She squeaked. Jem smiled and shushed her. "You're doing better then Will. Will came to me before you arrived and begged me to teach him the violin. So I tried. He picked it up, plucked a few strings, set it down, and then proceeded to leave. He hasn't picked it up since." It made her feel slightly better. She tried once again. This time it sounded less like Church being stepped on. She stopped playing, the room fell into silence. "Bravo." Tessa's fingers began to tremble as Jem removed the violin from her hands. Everything turned into a blur suddenly. Jem frowned as he set the violin down. "Tess, your hands, They're shaking." He took her hands in his own and squeezed them gently. He pressed a kiss to her top hand. "Jem-" Her breathing hitched. Their eyes connected once again. The butterflies in Tessa's stomach were now definitely present. Jem removed one of his hands from hers and rested it against her cheek, the other hand moved to her waist. Jem pulled Tessa into a deep yet passionate kiss. Tessa felt the butterflies flutter away. She rested her hand against the back of his neck. Both tried to pull the other closer. Tessa had never experienced a kiss like this before. "Jem-" She gasped. Her lips parted slightly. He tasted of yin fen. Sweet and sugary. Tessa stumbled back and landed on his bed. She let out a few short giggles before returning to kissing him. Jem bunched the fabric of her nightgown in his hands and sat on her lap, pinning Tessa to the bed. Tessa's hair fell loose out of the braid it was once in. Tessa removed her lips from his and planted quick, but meaningful, kisses along his jawline. Jem groaned and tugged on a strand of Tessa's loose hair. "Three weeks." Jem whispered, holding Tessa's body as close to his as possible. "I've wanted to kiss you, and hold you for three weeks." Tessa smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Her fingers intertwined with his. "Three weeks..." Tessa repeated the words Jem had stated just moments before. "Oh Jem. I wish you'd said something sooner."

Jems eyes lit up as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Tessa ran her fingers through his hair. So much for working on exam preparations. She'd gotten so lost in the moment that she hadn't heard the approaching footsteps and then, the bedroom door creak open. Will stood in the doorway, his ink black hair damp from the snow outside. "It seems I have interrupted a very intimate moment?" Both Jem and Tessa pulled away from one another as soon as Will had begun to speak. Their eyes were wide. Tessa spoke "Please don't tell Charlotte-"

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