Episode 4 Part 9

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You and Lee hop off the ladder. You look up at the man hole and see Two walkers standing over to hole trying to get you two.

You put your hand on the ladder to take a breather when you hear around two thumps come from over top of you so you take a few steps back quickly.

You and lee look down at the female walker to see if she's dead, she's bleeding from the head continuously. Lee looks up at the manhole.

Lee: "Clementine can you hear me?!"

You hear no response so you assume Molly took them all back to the house but just to be sure.

Y/N: "If you can hear me, just get back to the house okay?! We'll meet you there!"

You and lee turn back to the sewers.

Lee: "Shit."

You and lee slowly move downward in the sewers. Lee slips falling on his back sliding, you try grabbing him but end up sliding down with him landing on your back at the bottom you shiver from the pee and Poop on your back and hands.

I'm just gonna skip the sewer because in the game it's just a ton of free roam and examining.

You turn around the corner and see a ladder lee can pry with the ice pick. Finally you think. Lee looks at the ladder then back at you. He runs at a metal thing and tries jumping off of it but falls because of how loose the thing is.

Y/N: "What The Hell."

Lee: "Exactly what I was thinking, we should head in may be a way out?" You Nod And Lee prys the Metal off the Wall. You both walk through.

You look around and see a Nuclear sign on the wall.

Lee: "Must have been one of those old nuclear fall out shelters."

Y/N: "Yeah.." you look around and see a open door, lee heads in first. You see lee stand there he takes a peak back at you and shakes his head no.

Lee's POV

You look at the group in front of you, but hear a gun clock from your left and see a old man aiming a pistol at you.

????: "Who are you?"

Lee: "Nobody, I'm lost just trying to get back home."

He shakes his head.

????: "yeah, Well you took a wrong turn. This is our home, not yours and your not welcome here."

Lee: "Look, I'm sorry I disturbed you folks, I'll just be going."

Female ????: "You can't let him leave. He's from Crawford, if he goes back there and tells them that we're here..."

????: "Are you from crawford? D-don't lie to me, I'll know."

Lee: "We came from a small group, hoping to find a boat. We just want to get out of here, how about you let me go?"

????: "Ain't no boats here. Crawford took everything."

Lee: "Yeah I heard."

Female ????: "You can't trust him Vernon, you can't let him leave."

Your POV

You look back outside the door, now if Molly was right and Crawford doesn't have kids they won't hurt lee. Okay 1-2-3! You step out from behind the door.

Y/N: "That shouldn't be happening."

You stand next to lee and he nods to you.

Female ????: "Still."

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