Chapter 1

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Addison's P.O.V

It was all happening again, the same chilling nightmare created from the dark pits of my own brain was happening again. This event never repeated itself every single night but it still happened often enough to catch the concern of others when I looked like a zombie the next morning. The dream was always the same, never changing from each time it occurred making it seem like it was more of a memory then just a dream conjured by my own mind.

I was in an unfamiliar location with a big building. I was unable to pick out any details of my surroundings because it was all blurry like I needed glasses to be able to see clearly. The day was warm and I could almost feel the sun against my back. I was standing young as people stood over my tiny body but I wasn't scared. Two people with blurry features were bending down to my level, mumbling happy sayings but they sounded too distant for me to understand them. I was happy though, letting out squeaks and giggles of the joy I was feeling. I felt safe with whoever was by my side.

Then I was alone, wandering around the same place endlessly as I searched for something. The night air was cold and I held my little blanket to myself tighter as I whimpered out for whatever I was looking for. I was upset, crying as my tears soaked the roundness of my cheeks. I didn't remember how I became lost.

Then a boy showed up, someone who was as short as I was. I felt like I had seen him before as his hand came up onto my head as he tried to comfort me. A tall stranger came over as well, sounding concerned as they picked up my tiny body. I should've been calm but instead I was screaming. I sensed that I was no longer safe. I felt like I was being taken away from something but my mind wouldn't let me remember what it was. I struggled in the person's arms only to have their motherly voice shush me gently.

(Same Night: Waking up from the dream)

I jolted awake as if I was struck by a powerful bolt of lighting, my mouth letting out a scream as tears fell down my real skin. My long brown hair swept over my face from the movement of sitting up so I ran my hand through it to get it out of the way. My chest heaved heavily as I sucked in air, trying to catch my breath.

"Blake...!" I managed to shout, something I learned to do if I was ever feeling like this, "Blake!"

Not even a minute later there was thudding footsteps and the door to my room slammed open, revealing a tried but even more worrisome Blake. His shaggy black hair was in disarray and tangles while his green eyes shot to me in concern. He wasted no time rushing over to me and hugging me tightly to his strong chest. I could hear the beating of his warm heart as he rubbed his hands down my back to soothe me.

"The same nightmare again?" He asked, used to this routine by now.

I only nodded, unable to form words as I continued to cry hysterically. Almost every night I would awaken Blake so his hugs can reassure me. It reminded me that I wasn't taken anywhere, I was in my home with Layla who was basically my mother and Blake who was my lover. Although the dreams, however often they occurred, never failed to communicate that there was something I was ripped away from. I just don't know what.

After I had calmed down Blake looked down at me with a soft gaze, his green eyes practically holding the entirety of nature and life within them. His warm lips placed a tender kiss on the top of my head as if to banish any negative thoughts floating around in my mind. He chuckled lightly as he thought of something and stared off into my eyes.

"I should just sleep with you from now on. That way I don't have to run down the hall." He says, his voice husky and rough from being suddenly woken up.

I smiled softly then buried my face into his clothed chest again, "Maybe..."

"Here, move over Addie."

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