Chapter 12

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(Continuing from the same night)

Addison's P.O.V

When I went back into the house I felt this huge weight lifting off of my chest. I felt so light that I could fly. As I ate dinner with my parents I was suddenly in a happy mood, joking around and being silly but it wasn't forced this time. I also called Jace back, talking to him for hours like usual until mom had to take my phone away and say good bye to Jace herself so that she could break our conversation. I said good bye to Jace and we hung up to end our call for that day.

Dad carried me into their room and we all laid there together, warm blankets covering us and the idea of sleep drifting into the air. Eventually I did fall asleep and no nightmares invaded me again. Letting Layla and Blake go finally set my mind free and I was no longer being haunted by them as I accepted what they tried to do for me. I finally got a full night's rest for the first time I could remember in my life. I was at peace with myself.

That feeling didn't last very long though. The very next night I was having a different dream this time but I wasn't disturbed or scared this time. I was overwhelmingly sad to the point where I would just wake up at night and cry uncontrollably.

Now the dream was of me and Jace. The two of us were spending time together before this darkness came in to take him away from me. My parents had to constantly shake me awake so my dream would break its hold on me and my pillow would be soaked in my tears.

I got quieter every day that passed by, I became slower when I walked or talked, and everyday I would eat and drink a little less. I stopped trying to join in on things because I would rather lay my body down somewhere soft and drift off into space. My parents were beginning to get worried about me because I was going backwards from all of my recovery. They knew the exact reason why.

Yes, I had finally let my greatest nightmare and pain go but once I had done that a bigger pain took its place. I missed Jace, I missed him so much that it physically hurt. I would wait all day just for his call and I would try to keep him on the phone as long as possible just so I could have his voice just for a little longer. I hardly let go of his shirt, keeping it close to me whenever I had the chance. Finally one day my parents had enough and came up to me one day while I was laying on the couch.

Mom knelt down in front of me where I was laying on the couch, "Hey sweetheart. We have a surprise for you."

I turned my head to look at her and dad who had sat next to me. I found the strength to lift up the upper half of my body so I could sit up.

"What is it?" I ask.

Dad took in a small breath, "Well we noticed you haven't been feeling well lately so we decided to plan a family trip!"

My mind sighed as that wasn't what it wanted to hear but I forced a smile anyway, "Really? Where are we going?"

Mom pinched my cheek, "That is a surprise for you."

A few days later we were packing our traveling bags and went to the airport to travel by plane. It was a long journey wherever we were going and my parents would not let up on letting me know where we were planning to visit. After we had arrived at our final destination we took our bags, a rented car, and drove to where this surprise was. I was too busy looking outside of the window in deep thought I didn't know where we were before dad tapped my knee from the driver's seat.

"We are here." He says, smiling widely.

"And where are..." I trailed off when I saw where the car was parked.

It was in the driveway of Jace's house.

"Aspen." Mom started, "We know that you've been upset since you couldn't see Jace anymore so we called the Miller's. They've said that Jace wasn't doing well either since he came back so, we decided to move here so you could be together."

My eyes widened and mouth gaped, "What? Really?"

Dad smiled, "Go see that boy of yours."

This was the time were I was really cursing at myself for having to move around with a cane because I couldn't move to the front door fast enough. I knocked on it so many times that I think I alerted the Miller's I might have just been some crazy person but Jace's mom opened the door anyway.

"Addison! Or Aspen now?"

"Aspen. Um...Jace?"

"Yes, come in. Surprise him." She whispered the last part.

I came in and went to the living room where Jace was laying on the couch. He had on lazy clothes while watching a movie but my heart still started to beat crazy at the sight of him. He was here, just a few feet away from me instead of thousands miles away.


He looked up confused at first at the new voice but instantly froze at the sight of me.


He shot off of the couch and ran towards me to put me in a bone crushing hug. But I didn't care the second he touched me. It was like everything had exploded all at once, all of the feelings we had for each other such as love, sadness, happiness, and much much more was seeped into the hug all at once. I squeezed him back just as tight, feeling his toned body beneath his shirt and that beating heart I missed hearing so much.

Jace only pulled away just enough to cover my face in a million tiny kisses before meeting my lips which would put all of my reoccurring thoughts about it to shame. Our kiss lasted for what felt hours until we pulled away because we needed stupid air to stay alive.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, panting a little between words.

I held his face in my hands and gazed into his incredibly bright eyes I have missed looking into so much, "My parents are deciding to move here."

"What?! Really?!"

He lifted me a little off of my feet just enough to spin me around as he cheered in joy. I was just laughing the whole time upon seeing his excitement but almost crying just at the thought of finally having him in my arms like I have thought of so many times. Both of our parents enjoyed the sight of us being together once and and relishing in the happiness we were finally giving off.

It was then and there that I knew I had everything I needed in my life and my mind can stop being so cruel to me in the form of its nightmares. I had my loving parents who I had been returned to and my real lover who I couldn't live without. I was happy, in a place where I needed to be and where I was no longer a missing child.

The End

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