Chapter 6

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Addison's P.O.V

In the morning we had to get onto a different bus before we had an hour layover for our next one. I was still quiet after I had my dream but Jace did his best to cheer me up as we went around town which I was thankful for.

"You know what you need?" Jace asked as we walked down the street of the town we were currently in.


"A milkshake, there has to be somewhere where we can get one."

I gave him a weird look, "Why a milkshake?"

"Because milkshakes are awesome."


"Shh." He put his finger up to my lips, "Milkshake..."

I laughed at his silly whisper and grabbed his hand as we made our way through the endless stores. We finally found a fast food place and we just sat down a table to relax for a minute and wait for the line to go down since it was super busy. We were just minding our own business when I noticed someone walking through the door. I almost had a heart attack when I saw that someone was Blake.

"Jace, Blake is here."

He looked over his shoulder to see him then quickly looked back away. We put our hoods up to hide so he wouldn't see us as easily. I noticed he got into the back of the line but never stopped looking around every few seconds, looking for me. Jace and I stayed in our spot to try and wait for him to leave first but the place was so busy and he looked like he was there to get food. He walked over to the person who dropped off other people's food at the counter and stopped her.

"Excuse me." He said, making her pause from going back to her job.

"Can I help you?" She asked politely.

"I was just wondering if you saw this girl come through here?" He showed her a picture in his phone, "I'm looking for her."

"No, I haven't seen her."

"Okay, thank you."

Blake still stuck around so he could order food, still keeping an eye out. Jace checked the time in his phone and realized that our bus was already about to arrive at the station. If we missed it then we would be here for hours with the possibility now of being caught by Blake or Layla.

Jace slightly leaned over the table and whispered to me, "Follow me."

We both stood up together, keeping our heads low as we started making our way towards the door. We weaved in and out through the crowd of people and someone had suddenly stepped out in front of me, causing me to bump into them. I didn't dare to look up but the black letterman jacket the person wore told me who I just ran into.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Blake apologized from above me.

I refused to say anything and rushed past him, extremely lucky he didn't chase after me. Jace and I got out of the restaurant successfully and hurried to the bus station. I didn't breath again until we boarded our bus and I sat down.

"Oh my gosh...that was...that was too close..." I whisper, my hands shaking wildly.

"It's okay, you're okay."

We rode that bus for a while until we had to change buses again. This happened a couple of times throughout the day until we were on one for the rest of the night. We didn't see Layla or Blake again in any of our layovers which was good and we didn't have to hide again.

While we were on our current bus at night I couldn't sleep again, forcing myself to stay awake for the whole night. The entire time I stared inside of my locket that I still wore, examining the pictures of Blake and us together as a family.

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