*+:。.。𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬。.。:+*

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I walk down the halls not looking at anyone. I accidentally bump into someone and fall. I look up at them and my face gets hot.

"I'm so so-" They cut me off and helped me up.

"Don't please, it's fine.." The boy with the prettiest eyes says and walks away. I sigh. I don't have a lot of friends. Okay I only have like three friends that's really it.

Avani ran up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay!" She says to me. Avani is my closest friend out of the other two. They only come around when I see them, unless there's a party they always tend to bug me, but the other two were always there for me no matter what!

"I-I'm fine" I say as we walk to class together. She sighs in relief and sees my face is still red.

"Lemme guess you bumped into "HIM" She says chuckling. I look down embarrassed and giggle softly.

"Yeah I- don't much about him though, he is really cute" I say as we walk into the classroom I sit down in the back.

Avani is sitting with her boyfriend or MY OTHER best friend who is like a brother to me. His name is Anthony or ANTEATER. That boy walks in and he sits next to me. I look away and do my work. He taps on my shoulder and I look at him. His face looks very confused.

"Hey..um can you help me" He says as I grab his paper and chuckle.

"Adding fractions is not hard, but I'll explain.." Everytime I keep explaining things to him he always seems to glance at me. Making me face get red.

"Hey are you okay.." He asks me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine!" I say and he looks at me, making the both of us look into eachothers eyes.

"Your cute" He says as the bell rings he gets up leaving me speechless.

He called me cute..and I don't even know his name..

Not knowing his name made me sad. Avani and Anthony walk up to me.

"Hey.." i say as we walk out of the classroom going to the cafeteria.

"Cheer up BUTTERCUP!" I hear behind me.

"BRYCE HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!"  I say looking at him with a death stare. Bryce is also one of my best friends. He's the most annoying, but funny too. We look at each other and we laugh. As we make it to our table I see Anthony talking with that boy. Maybe it's best if I don't know his name.

I wish he would sit here...

I look at him and the boy looks at me smiling. I quickly look away and put my hair behind my ear. The boy sits next to me and I panic.

"Hey again" He says smiling.

Aww that smile..

"Hey there," I say, grabbing a sandwich from my lunch. He scoots closer to me as this girl sits down. Making my face get really hot.

"So-" The girl says twirling her hair. The boy looks over to me and I decide to help him out.

"Hey back off sis he is mine." I say feeling the embarrassment rush in.

"Oh really.." She says getting closer to him. I scoff and grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back and she storms away (bahaha bai bitch). The bell rang and I immediately got up. He grabs my hand and I stop there. We were just standing there seeing everyone leave. Then he kisses my cheek and blushes.

"Thanks.." He says as he let's go of my hand. Seeing those beautiful eyes make my blush.

"My name is payton by the way" He says walking away winking at me.

Payton...you have the most beautiful eyes....im in love now..


Hope you enjoyed this please add to your library and vote! 🥺🌷

-657 words-


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