"𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒈𝒐"

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Previously On just the way you are~

My head is in pain.. I don't know why I feel this way. Why do I feel like something I'd missing..

My eyes open and I see Avani standing there. 

"Come on beb," She says grabbing my hand. She and I walk to the car. It's been a year since the accident. I live in LA with Avani since she asked me because we haven't talked in a while an I needed to get out more. 

If you don't know already I have selective mutism. Doesn't mean I'm deaf people get that confused all the time 😒 but I can talk to a few people like avani. I'm trying, but payton is the one I can really talk to. He's so far away, but seems so close to me. I put my hand on my heart..

I close my eyes as we get in the car. 

I open them and I'm on a hospital bed. Seeing doctors rush me some where. My eyes were getting blurry and I looked around for payton. He was pulled away by other doctors and I close my eyes. 

Once I opened them it was over.

"What's wrong?" Avani asked me. I look at her and see she's worried. I hate worrying people especially payton...

"I'm okay I promise," I smile. She sighs and smiles.

"Want anything," She says as we pull up to the Dunkin' drive thru. I open my mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. I panic. I want to cry. 

This is normal I do this a lot. I stop talking and worry. And that's because of my anxiety disorder they say they can treat it. Hopefully they will because no one is helping me..

I text her what I want and she smiles. She nods. Tells the order and we pull up to the window. She pays and gives my drink. 

"Thank you," I manage to say. She nods and we drive to the house. Anthony, Amelie and everyone else is there. 

We walk to the front and everyone comes over to give me a hug. I just moved to LA. I haven't seen these people in a while. I had to stay at the hospital for a while and at the adoption center until I was 18 then avani came and picked me up two weeks ago. I'm glad. I saw payton come to see me, but then he leaves. It's strange. 

"NEVY!" Addison comes and gives me a hug. I smile and she looks at Bryce. 

"BRYCE COME SAY HI"  She yells at him. I chuckle and Bryce walks over to me. 

"hey lil buttercup," He smirks. I roll my eyes and flip him off. 

"Shut up ice ball but hi," I say and flip him off. He laughs and  I wanted to explore. I walked upstairs and see payton. 

"what are you doing here," I smile widely. He smiles, but it's off something is bugging him. Why. 

"Payton..are you mad at me.." I say looking at the floor. He puts his hand on my shoulders. 

"Of course not silly," He chuckles. I smile and he hugs me. 

"I have to go okay, ill talk to you later," He smiles and walks away. I look back and he's gone. I frown and walk downstairs. 

"what happened?" Avani said walking over to me with Anthony. I shake my head and smile trying my best to hold my tears. 

"nothing," I say. She arches her brow and I still stand there smiling. She sighs again and after about two hours we played game hung out and then we left. 

Anthony, Amelie and Blake decided to come home with us too. We get home and I quickly go to my room. They looked at me and stood there worried. I start panicking and I closed my door sliding down it crying. I huddled in a ball, crying, feeling so alone. 

"it's okay," Someone says as they put there hand on my shoulder. I look up and see payton. I jumped scared and smile. 

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself..why do I have to worry.why do I feel that something in my life is missing," I cry. He holds me and I cried. I get up and he looks at me. 

"You have to go right?" I ask his eyes widen the soften. He smiles and nods. He walks away and I look out the door seeing him walk out the front door. I decided to take a cold shower to get everything off my mind. It's refreshing to me really. I was about to take of my bra until I saw a scar. I haven't seen this. Why is there a scar here. I close my eyes and I'm in the hospital bed. 

"I promise I will see you again, I promise you will get better, I'm doing this for you your heart is not doing well," I hear payton whisper to me as I'm on the bed.

"I know you can hear me, I love you Nevy, I always be with you." He says and his voice fade away. I open my eyes. They widen as my hands shake and I ran out the door grabbing my phone. No no no. This can't no he couldn't have. (she was wearing sweatpants and a sports bra don't worry)

"nevy..." I hear someone say. I look back and see avani and amelie. They see my scar and there eyes widen. 

"what happened to you!" Amelie says giving me a hug. I cried is all I manage to do I cried and I sobbed. 

"THAT IDIOT THAT STUPID IDIOT!" I yell as I fall to my knees. The world seemed so dark. I didn't deserve to live. He should have not me. 

"who are you talking about? Avani asked as they try to comfort me. 

"THAT STUPID FUCKING IDIOT GAVE ME HIS HEART FOR ME TO LIVE THAT IDIOT I CAN'T I WANTED HIM TO LIVE. I WANTED HIM TO BE HAPPY!" I cry and there eyes widen. They were surprised and knew who I was talking about. 

I look up and see payton. He was looking at the floor. I get up and they see me look at something  so they sit there confused. 

"you fucking idiot," I mumble and he grabs my hand.

"HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SEEIN THIS AMELIE," Avani says with her eyes widened. Amelie nods and they look at me and payton. 

"I told you i did this for you because I love you," He says and I hug him and hit his chest defeated. 

"stupid fucking idiot," I say and cry. 

"I know your mad and I'm sorry, but I'll always be here with you and I will always love you," He says grabbing my face. Tears went down like a waterfall cause I'm crying my ass off. 

"forgive me," He says and I look into his eyes. I tilt my head and smile. 

"I will when I see you again,"  I say and he get's up walking away. 

"i love you too..." I smile and more tears fall. 


IM CRYING i had a dream about it because of a Christmas movie I watched and i had to write this. I hope you didnt cry cause I did. I'm such a child. ANYWAYS ilyasm ciao ciao bitchees-

-1220 words-

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