*+:。.。𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐧。.。:+*

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We fought, we loved, and I just can't imagine my life without her. I know we kept accusing each other for things we didn't do. We just fought for no reason. I see her run to the bathroom

Her pov~

I run into the bathroom and lock myself in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." I repeat over and over looking through the cabinet under the sink. I found the pills and more tears streamed down my face. I found a pen and paper and quickly wrote something on it.

"I love you, payton..."

I grab the pills and I fall..making everything go black.

End of pov~

I knock on the door. No one answers.

"B-babe I'm sorry.." I say. No one answers. She must be really mad. I go to the kitchen and grab the key to the bathroom.

"I'm coming in," I say as I unlock the door. I see her on the floor. My fears and doubts kick in. I grab her and cry. I check for her heartbeat..

"Please don't leave me!" I yell bursting into tears. I quickly picked her off the floor and as I was about to leave I saw a note. I put it in my pocket and went to my car. I put her in the passenger seat and put her seat belt on. I quickly drive down the highway. Without her saying anything made me feel so lonely. I kept hoping that you'll still be here. Her life is so fragile and you're still so young..

As we got to the hospital everyone saw me carry her. They quickly went to get doctors and nurses. As they took you onto the bed my nervousness started to come through. I paced back and remembered the note and grabbed it from my pocket..

Dear my love,

I love you so much! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that I made you mad! I love you so much! Don't waste your time on me, go find someone else! Be happy! Please! Payton Jay Moormeier I love you so so much! Goodbye my love I'll always love you, forever!

Love, "bOokWoRm <3

I cried even more and smile weakly. I always called her book worm because obviously she reads so much, but she was so smart and I love that about her. I knew that when I laid my eyes on this woman I wanted to marry her and I know how much she wanted that to happen.

She would've been such a good mom..

"Please baby don't leave me, not yet, not now, not later I need you here with me" I whisper as the doctor walks up to me with a clipboard.

"Mr. Moor-" The doctor pauses and I look up at them.

"Moormeier. I'm her boyfriend" I say as she smiles at me.

"Well Ms. Hill is in room #316, okay hun" She says, giving me a guest pass. I nod and quickly make my way to her room. I found her room and saw her laying on the bed. Looking at the meter seeing her heart is beating slowly.

I walk over and sit down next to the bed. I grab her hand and squeeze it. I promise you I'll fix this. I will love you forever and will not leave you for someone else.I just want her to say...

"Let's go home baby" And hold her in my arms tightly.

I want to see that smile again because without you..I won't be complete...

I know i know it's sad and I HAD TOO it makes me cry but i don't write a lot of sad stories sooo yeah I LITERALLY CRIED MAN LIKE MY OWN STORY anyways please vote and add to your librariess  Lysm bye.

-629 words-

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