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Chapter 3 

Bullseye is the first to arrive at the cabin. He leisurely walks towards the door, he fishes out a lighter and lights a cigar. Coughs, looks at the cigar and throws it away as he walks up the plank. There is a coffee cup with a teaspoon on the top baluster of the stairs. It is still hot and a faint smoke is emanating from it. Bullseye picks it up and sips from it. 

Bullseye: "Not bad, not bad at all." 

He takes the teaspoons and plays with it as he walks towards the door. 

Bullseye: "Here we go, time to earn that paycheck" 

He jams the door with the end of the teaspoon. The door opens. He throws away the teaspoon the moment he walks in. 

He surveys the entire room, taking everything in. At the right side of the door there is makeshift newspaper stand. At the top of it is an aluminum tray with an assortment of books some twine and a pocket knife.  

Close panel on the pocket knife. 

Bullseye viciously pulls off the aluminum tray, there is a crash as the contents falls over. The pocketknife imbeds itself on the wooden floor. He leisurely walks around the house. While humming to himself, he plays with the aluminum tray, twirling it with one of his fingesr. The interior of the house is reflected rapidly on the tray. There is an assortment of stuff littered through out the house; a makeshift chandelier made of an old wooden kart wheel hangs at the center of the sala, an axe hangs near the mantle, a shovel is propped at one of the post while a knot of some sort, carefully twined is hanging on another. Some candles and canisters are by the bookcases. As he walks on, he steps on a floor board which creaks loudly, one of the pegs of a small center table sit on top of the board. 

He was about to move on when suddenly a man in combat gear is reflected on the aluminum tray. The man is hanging at ceiling biting a jungle knife. 

Bullseye: "There you are my pretty!" 

Bullseye hurls the aluminum tray toward the target. The target adjusts, but not enough. The metal tray nicks his right cheek. The tray imbeds itself on the opposite wall. 

The Targets takes the knife from his mouth as he fell. The knife is now on his right hand. 

The Target: "I can hear you coming a mile away, and that cigarette of yours... you really should quit smoking. It's dangerous for your health." 

Bullseye: "Don't matter none. You'll be QUITTING your life soon enough!" 

Before the man can gain complete footing from his descend, Bullseye kicks one of the man's ankle, this jerks the man forward. He then taps the man's elbow, the pain is enough for the man release the knife.  

Bullseye: "I had no intentions being sneaky. No need to!" 

Like a child playing sepaktakraw, bullseye kicks the knife back to his hand level. Bullseye grabs the knife. 

Bullseye: "Now I have a knife." 

The target suddenly pulls a gun holstered at his back, Bullseye steps back, Gun versus knife is not a good equation. Instead Bullseye kicks the creaking floor board, this sends the other end of the plank upward, the table followed suit, so does the vase at the center. 

Bullseye then kicks the vase while it is in midair. It shatters sending the dirt toward the target; effectively blinding the man. 

As the man fires wildly, Bulllseye jumps at the hanging makeshift chandelier. Bullseye hangs on, he shifts his entire weight upward so that his legs are almost horizontal. The bullets miss. 

Before the target is able to pull-off another salvo, in one swift calculated maneuver, Bullseye lets go of the chandelier and at the same time hurls the jungle knife at gun hand of the target, it hits dead on. The target releases the gun. But Bullseye is still falling and the gun is too low. He couldn't risk crouching just to pick it up. The target would recover soon enough, so he side kicks the gun just before he hits the floor, this sends the gun towards one of the wooden post of the house, the gun ricochet back into Bullseye's hands. 

Bullseye: "Now I have a gun." 

Bullseye aims the gun at the crouching target who has finally recovered his vision. 

Bullseye: "Send my regards to your Maker. Tell him I am sending a few more in a weeks time" 

The target whistles. A dog lunges at Bullseye's gun hand and sends the assassin towards the other side of the sofa.  

Target: "Release. Weapon directive" 

The dog releases Bullseye and goes after the weapon, bit it and jumped the sofa towards its master.  

Target: "Did you know dogs have the IQ level of a five year old child. And like any child it can be trained, and I am an exceptional trainer." 

While the dog is in midair, Bullseye kicks the dog squarely on the side.  

Bullseye: "Really!? Whodatot o' dat!" 

The dog yelps and let go of the gun. The Gun is again in midair. 

In one swift motion the target takes the knot hanging from one of the post and whips it toward the gun. The action sends the gun out the window. 

Target: "Here we are, squabbling over a weapon like some lovelorn teenagers after the prom queens' pussy. It's demeaning!"  

Bullseye: "Everything to me... is a weapon!" 

With force born of aggravation Bullseye kicks the pocket knife embedded on the floor, sending it upward. He then kicks it toward the target. 

The target swats it with the aluminum tray he took from the wall. It hits a butane gas canister used for camping, puncturing it. A hissing sound emanates from the canister. The target then shoves the canister toward Bullseye. 

Bullseye: "Stupid! It's only gas..."  

The target produces a lighter, lights it and hurls it toward bullseye. 

Target: "I believe this is yours" 

Bullseye frantically searches his pocket. His lighter is gone. His expression is priceless. 

Bullseye: "You piece of..."  

Bullseye runs toward the nearest window while the target dives behind a sofa. 

The explosion is small but is enough to hurl Bullseye out the window. 

After the explosion. Back shot: the target stands beside the ruin window. The dog is by now at his side although it is facing the panel and is growling. 

Target: "Friend of yours?" 

Taskmaster is standing beside the rear door. Arms crossed, relaxed. 

Taskmaster: "Not exactly." 

The target faces the taskmaster. "But you're here to kill me too." 

Taskmaster: "Exactly."

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