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Same set-up in the beginning of the series (First Issue). Sabretooth was standing with arms clasped behind his back. He was elegantly dressed with a white silk scarf twinned around his neck to his torso. A huge glass window betrays their location. An assortment of snowflakes as varied as the fabled multiverse formed on the glass, pine trees in the distance are coated with snow as white as Mr. Shades' beard. Far of in the distance a faint mountain painted by natural geology. 

The Taskmaster is seated on an elegantly sofa facing a crackling fireplace. Numerous wine bottles are arranged before him. He picks one up, examines it, looks at the date and moves to the next one. 

Bullseye tilts his own wine bottle, metaphorically draining it of it's last spirit.  

Bullseye: "Aren't you gonna drink one o' dat?" (Gesturing at Taskmaster) 

Taskmaster: "No, they mess up my memory. At one time I was executing Spider-man's triple flip, I did Daredevils evasive dodge instead. Dodge right into Black widow's stinger." 

Bullseye: "Hmph, You were probably drinking grain juice, executed an inferior hero's moves." 

Bullseye: "Speaking of which, can you replicate an actual power, say Mr. Shades Teleportation Abilities?" 

Bullseye hands a toast toward a huge portrait of an imposing Mr. Shades in a formal business suit hanging by the fireplace wall. There was a red scarf on one of Shades pocket, but what was odd was that the old man was holding a glowing golden sword and two wolves were standing guard on both his sides. The man was still wearing eyeglass albeit more elegantly design as opposed to the one he regularly uses. 

The Taskmaster looked at Bullseye for a long time and uncorks one of the wine bottles to which Bullseye grins at the action.  

The Taskmaster: "No, I can train my hand as deftly as a master surgeon or a serial killer but I cannot train my hands to emanate fire, ice, fecal matter or astrophysical Bullshit. Besides, Shades said such abilities would not work here." 

The Taskmaster then throws the opened wine bottle toward Creed who pivots and grabs it midair. 

Creed: (Examining the bottle) the inscription inscribed therein is 1887. 

Creed: "Ah! Fine Year! Alistair;s entrails. I was one on those who harvested the barley for this here wine. He Found out I was distilling both his wife and daughter. One tasted unlike wine and the other was unlike beer. When he found out, I fermented him in one of the oak barrels." 

Bullseye and Taskmaster was silent for a moment.(Close up shots on Bullseye and Taskmaster) 

Both assassins decided to ignore Creed. 

Bullseye: "So who to you think Mr. Creed is?" 

Taskmaster: "Figure out the portal and you figure out the man" 

Bullseye:: "And that how does he manages that portal of his" 

Creed: "Figure out the man and you figure out the portal" 

Creed: "What, Poindexter, Daredevil's incompetence finally begun to rob on you?" 

Bullseye lights up one of his cigarette slumps into the sofa with both his arms spread on the sofa's recliner. He tilts his head, relaxed and exhales a lung full of nicotine.  

Bullseye: "There are 472 objects in this room. Means there are 3746 ways I could kill you and that is excluding the cork opener" 

Creed: "Heh! I only need 14 objects to kill you, 10 Adamantium laced talons and 4 incisors. Besides none of the objects here is..." 

"The Muramusa Blade." finished the Taskmaster. 

Taskmaster: "I keep track of every player on the board Creed. Logan sliced you up pretty good with that sword of his, legend has it; what it cuts, stays cut. So how did you manage come back? Made a pact with the devil perhaps?" 

Big close up shot of Creed, sideview, occupying more than half of the page. An illustration of Creed staggering by the snow, shot pass an envelope with a wax seal with the tree emblem. 

Creed: (In a low voice) "You may not be far off the truth, Tony" 

Creed: "Woke up whole again on the snow where Logan left me. My healing factor prevented me from rotting. An envelope with the wax seal was nearby." 

Taskmaster: "Ah, so our benefactor brought you back from the dead. Question is which "benefactor"?" 

Taskmaster and Sabretooth looked at each other.  

Taskmaster: "Aw! Don't look at me like that, didn't I just tell you I keep track of every..." 

The door of the den opened and Mr. Shades entered. His executive protector was with him. 

Mr. Shades "Gentlemen, I believe you are ready for the next contract"


The Punisher was having difficulties with the digital player of the car. 

Caption: BOOM, DOOM, BADABOM! Shake your booty like..  

Frank slams his hands on the digital player. 

Caption: "GPS Feature now engaged, please state your intended location." 

Punisher: "Fuck, what's wrong with knobs and transistors anyway? Digital Crap!" 

The punisher composes himself , reads the menu of the player and pressed the button name "radio" 

The radio came to life. "You're listening to NU. 107. A robbery is currently in progress on 75th street, Perpetuators are armed with high powered..." 

Castle punches the button mark "NEXT" 

The Radio chimed: " The New York arsonist; Saint-John Allerdyce is cornered at the GDP building, there seems to be a firefight ongoing. Allerdyce is armed with a sniper rifle. 

Castle punches "NEXT" 

Radio: "They say the Atomic Knights might end up with the Nobel Prize for discovering what they call the "Pym Partic..." 

Castle shuts the down the radio. His face serious while driving the cramped vehicle.  

The Punisher thinking: "Since when did Pyro need a sniper rifle? There's no superhuman activity reported. New York should be full of it by now. Frank; you've chased one fucked up electric rabbit down some wonderland hole" 

Quarter panel shot of the back of the pinto approaching the city. The silhouette of muscular punisher is seen occupying most of the vehicle. 

Punisher: "Question is what to do about it. He did mention a "Twin"...

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