Chapter 11 - Cole

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"She's fine as hell man." Nick says, slapping a hand over my shoulder after the rest of the people from class left the room.

I agree, there's no denying it. She has become a woman that is completely undeniable. She is curvier and feistier, her hair has grown longer than she ever kept it in high school. Her face has changed a bit too, her eyes aren't as bright and carefree as they used to be but her lips are a little fuller and her brows arch differently. Her cheekbones are more defined and she walks with a confidence she never had before. Apparently, she is stronger than she ever was too and it makes me wonder if she was waiting for the day when she needed to fight back. I shutter at the thought.

"Better figure out how to keep yourself in her good graces, Hawk. She was cut throat and I don't think it was just being competitive."

"She'll come around. She could never stay mad at me long."

"You know her before she came to town? I mean she came in with Ty but figured it was like his cousin or something."

"Sister." I state and Nick looks at me confused. "She is Ty's older sister."

Something registers with Nick. "Oh, Shit. So you like... know, know her."

"Long story. She's mine though, always has been. So don't get any ideas in that pretty dumb head of yours." I growl back at Nick. I need her to come around and let me publicly claim her and soon, before I have to kill someone for touching her. Her jacket only covers my claim so far and only works if she is actually wearing it.

"Got it man. You better mark that fast though before someone gets an idea in their head." Nick says just reinforcing my thoughts.

"She's already marked."

"Oh?" He says looking surprised.

"She has her own leather, marked. She's a Phoenix and she's mine." Nick's whole jaw drops which I find hilarious. Only Gunner and Tech really know anything about L, I didn't think she would come back so what was the point of letting the whole club aware of my fuck ups. She doesn't even know that she's a Phoenix, she doesn't even know what that even is. Fuck, no wonder she's so pissed at me all the time. "Put your tongue away you dumb fuck. I need to go run off a fucking ton of frustration." I seethe out at Nick.

"My bet would be that you mean that quite literally." Nick says laughing, like I wouldn't put a bullet in him. I probably wouldn't, I like Nick but he doesn't need to know that. I have a rep as prez to keep.

"Fuck Off Nick." I growl out and walk out to the hall.

Nick has always been a good guy. I've offered him officer status in the club but he prefers to sideline. He saved Gunner's life overseas and I've always felt in-debt to him for that. He says I owe him nothing though. We helped him get this gym going and let him keep all the investments, he trains us and helps the prospects too in return. His loyalty to Gunner and myself runs deep.

I step into the cardio room to the backside of my kitten. I would know that gorgeous, perky ass anywhere. She's running like hell too. This girl is so strong physically and I completely underestimated her on that earlier. She kicks fucking hard and I'll definitely have bruises from that shit.

"Stop staring you creep."


"Can't help myself." I say stepping on the treadmill beside her and look over. She's already gone two miles in 10 minutes. Jesus, if she keeps running like that she may actually get hurt. "Don't hurt yourself Kitten." I tell her seriously.

"I'm fine. Was better before you walked in though." She hisses out. She isn't even out of breath.

"I don't know, I think you might have missed me." I tease out.

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