Programmed Feelings [Kiiruma]

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Category: Fluff

Non-Despair AU

Kiibo's POV-

Today is going to be a stressful day. I just know it. At least, I hope it weren't. I didn't want to get out of my room. Since, when do we have to wake up so early? It's like 7 in the morning. I feel really tired. There's a feeling that I am going to scream. Due to the fact that my body hurts.

So, my body decides to get up from my bed and walk away from my room. I start walking down to where the hallway is. While walking, I ended up bumping into someone.

"Ow. Oh, I didn't see you there. Well good morning, Kiibo. I was trying to find my way to the dining hall. Sorry," said the blonde haired girl. She bowed down in apology.

"Wait, you don't have to apologize, Kaede. I should be the one to apologize to you. I didn't see where I was going."

"Okay," she says nodding sharply. I wanted to ask her if she wants to walk with me since she doesn't know where the dining hall is. But instead, I didn't say nothing.

"Can I walk with you, Kiibo? If you don't want to, that's fine," said Kaede, scratching her neck. How'd she know? One, she is sure psychic. Two, she probably knew from the beginning that I wanted to ask her that.

"S-Sure," I said, studdering. I start walking with her. My classmates are probably in the dining hall so, I need to hurry up. But, first I need to ask her something. About someone. "Kaede, can I ask you a question?," I said nervously.

"Sure. You know you can tell me anything." I nod in agreement. "Um, tell someone that you like them?" Unexpectedly, Kaede stopped walking and turned to look at me. Then, she showed a smirk in her face.

"Good thing, you came to me. I'd give you some advice. You have to follow these tips."

"Okay. I will follow them, Kaede." She gives me the "Are you sure?" look. I respond back at her with a nod.

"Well, okay. So, say hi to them. Then, ask them if they're busy. If their response is no, then it is the time to ask them on a date. But tell them as just friends. While you're on a date with them, you try to be a gentleman."

"Well, how am I going to ask them out? I feel like I'm going to mess it up." Then, I see Kaede tap her chin. Oh, she's thinking. I'll just wait till she has an answer.

"Oh, how about we pratice saying it? To do that, I will pretend to be the person that you like and you try to express your feelings. Do you understand?" I understood and nodded at her. Then, I take a deep breath and exhale. I'm ready to confess my feelings for Miu.

"Uh... Hi... So, are you busy? If you're not, then can you be my date? But, only as friends." Phew. Finally, I got those words out. "Wow. You did great. I thought we wouldn't make it the first try. There are some things you messed up, but you still did great. Congratulations!"

Kaede started to applaud and squeal. "Heh, thanks." She gives a big smile at me. "Anytime. I'm glad that I was able to help you. Also, good luck! I'll be cheering for you."

I gave her a small smile and nodded at her. Then, the school bell had rang. "Well, bye Kiibo. See you later."

"Bye, Kaede." I waved goodbye at her. She responds back also with a wave.

~After School~

Kiibo's POV-

School had finished for today. I waited for Miu outside of the school gates. It has been a couple minutes since I waited for her. She's the love of my life. I love everything about her. Everything that has to do with mechanics or robotic even reminds me of her. Her smile, her personality, her charisma, everything. She always made me smile.

It seems that today has been the most exciting day of my life. But what if she thinks of me as only a friend? Or just a robot with programmed feelings? These are the questions that will be soon answered. "Kiibo, can you hear me? Please answer. If you don't fucking answer, I will slap the shit out of you. And I don't want to do that. So you better fucking answer or you'll see what happens." said an echoed voice.

I didn't know if it was real or if I heard that voice in my head. Soon, I noticed a hand. With fingerless gloves. Wait, I think it's Miu. I start shaking my head. "Miu?"

"Yes, it's me. Duh," she says while rolling her light blue eyes. "Also, thank goodness. I was starting to get fucking worried about you. I thought you were glitching."

Wait. She actually cares about me? She doesn't seem much of a caring person. "And before you ask, I actually care about you. You are a great friend and classmate to me. And I think it's time for you to know about something."

She takes a deep breath and then exhales. " more as a friend." A smile soon had appeared in her face. She actually likes me back. Well, it's time for her to know that I like her back too.

"I...ALSO...LIKE YOU TOO, MIU!," I blurted. She looks away and blushes deeply. Soon, her face starts to lean closer to mines. Then, her soft lips press against my cheek. I start to blush hard. She starts to pull herself away.

I touch my cheek with my hand. Miu grabs my hand and squeezes it. Her head is in my shoulder. I look at her and smile. She smiles back. "So, what do we do? Since we confessed our feelings for each other."

"How about if I tell you to become my girlfriend?"

"Hmm, yes. I would like that." I look at her one last time and smile. Everything didn't go as I planned but at least I have Miu by my side. And it is the only thing that matters.

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