Confession [Kuzuhina]

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Requested by the lovely and amazing, cherry-cheescake!


Category: Fluff

Non-Despair AU

Fuyuhiko's POV-

I have these...weird feeling in my stomach.

Is this how love works?

I fell for a classmate of mines. I feel like they like me but at the same time, they don't.

I don't know what to do. How do I get out of this mess?

Maybe I'm just being naive...

Tch, why am I wondering such stupid things like that? Like as if!

I'm Fuyuhiko fucking Kuzuryuu, why am I just asking questions about my love life?!

I find this embarrassing...

But I have to tell him how I feel before it's too late and then I have to hold those regrets in me. 

Its the only chance I have for me.

I'll do it once for you...Peko. 

Those words you once told me, "Not everyone who you once loved will be with you in your journey. You will have to find your way. Never forget these words ever, you'll at least need them maybe a few times in your life."

~Time Skip~

Fuyuhiko's POV-

"Hey Hajime, wait up!," I yelled out as I grabbed his shoulder. "Hmm? What's up?," Hajime asked. "First, sorry I grabbed you like that, I just thought it was the only way to get your attention."

"Hey, it's fine. I probably wouldn't be talking to you if it wasn't for that," Hajime gushed, shrugging it off.

"Yeah it was an emergency so I got a bit excited." Way to act like a fool Kuzuryuu...

"I wanted to tell you something but its private so is it okay if we go somewhere other than here?"

"Alright, that's fine Fuyuhiko." He stared at me for a moment before looking ahead. "Where do you want to go?"

"Oh um, how about the school fountain?!," I yell in excitement.

"Alright someone is really excited!," Hajime teased, trying to cover his laugh.

"Oops...that suddenly came out of my mouth like that. Sorry..." I cover my arms around my face, trying to cover my heated cheeks.

"Hmm, your really funny. You know it definitely has been a while since I needed a laugh...anyways we better stop chatting and get on with it."

"Oh yes!"

~Another Time Skip~

"We're here, what did you wanted to tell me?"

Clareaing my throat, "How do I explain this? Ugh, I'll just say it although it's a bit embarrassing...I like you Hajime. Your a really cool person to be around with and I denied the fact that I was attracted to you," I admitted.

Hajime's face lightens up, "Oh I never knew that. And I also liked you but I also denied the fact that I did had feelings for you." His cheeks turned a slight red color.

A hand interlocks with mines. A smile on Hajime's face popped up. I gladly accept it and smile back.

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