Jeon Jungkook

771 55 12

I'm preparing myself for the upcoming boxing competition tomorrow. I'm confident that I will win but I can't help but feel nervous. Argh I need to stop overthinking though!

"Young master, your mother is looking for you", our trusted butler entered my room. He's the only one who can do that since he's close to my family but if other people will barge in my room without knocking, I'll beat the fuck outta him.

Speaking of beating, I remembered Jimin. It's been three months since that happen and I somehow feel guilty. I know I'm hot headed but I didn't imagine that I'll kill someone. But as what Namjoon told us, it's for the best, we might be in danger if we let him out of our sight, he knows too much about us. It's not that we don't trust him at all, it's just we are scared to waste our golden names.

"Yeah, I'll come down.", I looked at myself on my full body mirror, I look so damn fine. I fixed my neck tie first before leaving my room and went to my mother.

I passed by some of our maids in the corridor and they bowed as I walk pass them. Our house is so big that sometimes it makes me so lazy to even go down. But since I'm a boxer, I need to exercise and I sometimes make this as my practice area.

I saw my mother sipping her tea while looking at the papers on the table. I slowly approached her and it seems that she can feel my presence approaching her.

"Jeon Jungkook after your competition tomorrow, we'll have a dinner with your grannies okay?", is this the only thing she'll say? She could've just texted me! I nodded at her and turned my back.

"Don't you forget that! You know we can't make your grandpa mad, I don't want to lessen the days of my beautiful life!", yeah I know, me too. Grandpa is so scary when he's mad.

"Yes mom!", I went back to my room and throw my body on the cozy large bed of mine. I just want to lay down all day! But tomorrow's the championship, I should practice- but I've practiced enough! Overdoing it will put me in bad condition! Argh, I'll just call my trainer then.

"Yow Jay! Are you ready for tomorrow?", I asked with so much enthusiasm to the guy on the other end of the call.

"Yes sir, everything's prepared."

"Good. How about the package I ordered?"

"It's also prepared sir, as of now you can just take a rest. We'll surely win tomorrow"

I laughed mentally and ended the call. Of course I will win! I'm Jeon Jungkook anyway!


"We can clearly see how many small jabs Jungkook gave but it seems like it affects Woonbi so much!", everyone in the arena cheered and I can already feel myself holding the championship belt! This guy is a whimp!

"Two left jabs! A right hook everyone! And for Jungkook's finishing move! His left uppercut! AAAAANNNNDDD-"

The referee looked at Woonbi and signalled the judges! Fuck yeah I won! I knew it!


I raised my hands and showed them that the winner is me! The loud cheers from the crowd is just as loud as my heart beat!

"YEEEEEESSSS!!!", the crowd screamed louder as I shout at them. This is the best day of my life!


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