Victoria And Her Minions

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"Oh my god, look at her, she's on the verge of tears! She's so pathetic. No wonder she is an orphan!" Victoria teased me with a smirk on her face.

I glared at her with the worst look I could manage. Good lord, I hated her. Nothing about her was like able. Every time someone would call her out for being a horrible person, she would claim that she wasn't because she had friends. But everyone knew that all of her "friends" were just acting like her friends because they were scared of her. They would rather be around her and hating their lives than not be around her and being tortured by her.

"Vic! I like totally agree, I mean just like look at her! Not only is she pathetic, but she is also ugly too!" Ashley exclaimed.

Ashley. How can I begin to describe Ashley. I mean, just by hearing her name you can already guess she's a basic, bratty, attention-seeking person. But that's not even the beginning. She is always that one girl starting the rumors about people and spreading them like a wildfire. Not only did she do that, but she would also take advantage of people, especially the boys. She would date a boy just for the gifts and candy on Valentine's day, and then the day after, she would break up with him. She has done this multiple years in a row. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started with her on Christmas.

"Guys ... maybe you should lay off on making fun of her today. I mean it's only Tuesday ... we will run out of insults by Friday!" Jessica said shyly.

Ah, Jessica. Jessica, Jessica, Jessica. Back in grade school, she was so innocent. But the second she walked through those middle school doors, she was a completely different person. Not only had her personality changed for the worst, so had her appearance. I mean, no hate on her, but she started wearing cheaper, more low quality clothing. I mean, not like I am a fashionista or anything, but it was just a huge change. Back in grade school she always had her hair in braids and she always looked clean, but now she just looks dirty. I don't really know how to explain in, but I'm sure you get the idea.

"Oh, you guys are so desperate. You really like to spend your time going around to innocent people who have done absolutely nothing to you and making fun of them for doing nothing. You guys must be very bored." I said matching Victoria's smirk.

"Your right, I could be using my time so much more wisely!" Victoria said strutting over to my backpack which was laying on the floor.

"What are you doing..." I wondered staring at her.

Ashley and Jessica stared at Victoria as she walked closer to my backpack. What happened next was something I truly did not expect.

Victoria picked up my backpack, opened it, and looked at me and said, "Oh Rae, you are such a little piece of trash. If you haven't have said anything, then this would not have happened." She then opened my math folder.

"VICTORIA! DON'T TOUCH ANY OF THAT!" I screamed at her. We had a huge math test that day, and I couldn't let her ruin any of the notes I was using to study.

"Oh hunny, you deserve this!" Victoria picked up my math notes and ripped them in half. Then she ripped them again ... and again ... and again.

"VICTORIA YOU LITTLE BRAT!" I yelled as I lunged myself at her. I snatched what was left of my math notes.

All of her little minions gasped and snickered and what Victoria had just done. Victoria smirked and laughed, "I don't regret a thing. You should be grateful! Those notes were so messy, I couldn't even read them! You would have failed anyways."

I stared at her in shock, "I can't believe you ... you are such a sick person," I said trying to fight back tears, "And yes, you couldn't read them because I bet you can't even read!" I stormed off and ran to the bathroom.

It was only 9:27 in the morning and the day was going terrible. On my way to the bathroom, I kept thinking over what had just happened. I felt like such an idiot for not having my backpack closer to me so that I could have saved my notes.

I rolled my eyes when I thought about what those nasty girls had said to me. They are so desperate for attention, it's insane. All I know, is that it could have been worse. So much worse.

I finally reached the bathroom. As I started walking in, I heard a voice. Zane's voice.

Zane. He wasn't your average 17 year old boy. No, he was better. He was tall, and had brown messy hair. He had these big, brown eyes that I could stare into for hours ... but I never could look at them for more than five seconds without getting super awkward. He was the type of guy that makes jokes, and is really easy to talk too. Of course, all of the girls were crazy about him. I mean, I don't blame them. He never got in trouble, and had a good group of friends. I used to like him, but I realized that he was way out of my league ... so I convinced myself to not have any feeling for him at all.

"Hey, Rae! Wait up!" Zane yelled from down the hall.

I slowly turned around to face him. He looked good today, he was wearing an untucked basic button up shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Hey ... what's up?" I said rather shyly.

"You know about that math test right...?" He said looking at me with a small smile.

"Yeah I do. You ready for it?" I asked trying to not be as awkward as possible.

"Heh ... that's what I wanted to ask you about ... I was wondering if I could maybe use your math notes to study with. I lost mine, and I know you are really smart ... but if not that's totally fine."

Oh lord. The one time I have an actual excuse to talk to Zane I am not prepared for it, "Oh, about that ... I did have my notes until a few minutes ago. Victoria and her minions kinda ripped them up ..."

"Oh ... that sucks. Do you remember any of the material?"

I looked at him with a doubtful smile, "No, not really."

"Ok, that's fine. I'll ask around for some math notes, and maybe we could study together at lunch or something...? I mean, math is the last period of the day. If you want." He said to me.

I was shocked. He actually wanted to study with me. Of course I had to say yes, "Ya, totally, that sounds good. I'll ask around for some math notes too."

"The more the better," He chuckled, "See you at lunch then?"

"Yep, see ya then." I replied.

So ... that had just happened. I was actually shocked. All I knew, was that I had to get some math notes, and I had to get to lunch early. Easy enough ... right?

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